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"Harry, babe!" Sierra sounded awfully jolly for being in a hospital room. "Please get me out of here; I just fainted. I feel fine now."

Harry tried to listen to her; but his eyes kept going to the third person in the room.

"I ask again. What are you doing here?" Harry hissed through his teeth.

"Harry, don't be rude." Sierra spoke and motioned for Harry to come over to her; he obliged and sat down on a chair next to her bed.

"He helped me to get to the hospital, you shouldn't be rude." Sierra whispered to Harry and grabbed his hand into hers.

"Still; how do you even know him?" Harry found it hard not to shout or hit somebody.

"He is the owner of the marketing company that I visited; we were in our meeting when I fainted and he took me here and called you. He is a hero." Sierra smiled and puckered her lips; Harry kissed her so lightly that his lips almost didn't touch hers.

"Oh, he is? Let me have a talk with him outside, before the doctor arrives!" Harry didn't even wait for Sierra to answer he got up and grabbed the "good" Samaritan by his biceps and pulled him outside of Sierra's room.

"What the hell are you planing?" Harry hissed in Louis face.

"Me? Nothing really." Louis smirked and clicked his tongue the same way that Harry had done the day before. "By the way, did I interrupt your date? So sad."

Harry really wanted to tell Louis that he had lost Niall; that he and Niall spent what can be described as the best night of Harry's life; but he also knew that it's not his place to say this. It's Niall's life and Niall's decision.

"Not really." Harry smirked and saw how Louis smile dropped.

"I swear to you, If I find out that you laid a finger on Niall; I will destroy you." Louis got up in Harry's face; he was not gonna give this rich, spoiled brat everything that he wants.

"Don't make me laugh. A fairy like you? You couldn't even hurt my pinky." Harry laughed bitterly.

Both lads bickering was interrupted by somebody clearing their throat behind them. They turned around to be faced with a doctor; angry looking doctor.

"This is no place to shout, gentlemen." Doctor said in a stern voice. "I am doctor Thompson and I assume that you are Mr Styles?"

"Yes. Can you please tell me what is wrong with Sierra?" Harry just wanted to get away from here; he wanted to go back to Niall.

"Sure, let's go inside." Doctor Thompson motioned to the room and went inside; Harry stopped Louis; when he was trying to go inside.

"You can nicely fuck of now. And Sierra won't be needing your companies help. I won't pay you a dime of my money." Harry said confidently; but Louis only laughed; he turned away and walked out of the hospital; uneasy feeling settling in Harry's stomach.

When Harry entered the room; he heard how Sierra told doctor Thompson how she got some shocking news and fainted; she thought that it was only stress.

"Well, it is stress related." Dr. Thompson smiled and waited when Harry sat down at Sierras bed. "You fainted because of a shock situation that made your body collapse."

"That's good, right? Nothing to worry about?" Harry interrupted the doctor and Sierra hit his arm and shushed him.

"Well not really. The reason that the shock situation could do such damage to Sierras body; was because she is with a child. Congratulations."

"What?" Both Harry and Sierra exclaimed at the same time; one of them happy and other almost crying.

"Did you hear that Harry? We are going to have a baby!" Sierra grabbed Harry's neck and pulled his head down until their lips met into a kiss.

Harry's head was spinning; his whole fucking world was spinning. He excused himself and went to the bathroom; he went into an empty stall and sat down on a closed toiled seat; he looked at his shaking hands and hot tears started to drip on them; he felt his anxiety kick in.

He wanted to break up with Sierra; but if they are having a child together; he can't do that; he can't leave her when she is pregnant; he can't hurt her like that.

But, Niall. Harry is positive that he is in love with the Irish lad; he can't stop thinking  about him and he wants to spend every second with him. Will this break his heart or will he be happy that he can get rid of me? It can't be. He couldn't act like this, it all seemed to genuine.

With shaky hands; he grabbed his phone and found Niall's number; he had to call him; he had to tell him that it will be fine; that he will find a way for it all to be fine.

"Hi." Harry whispered into the phone. His voice shaking.

"Is everything fine, Harry?"

"Yes and no." Harry was afraid; he had fallen and he knew that he will be loosing the one that he truly loves.

"Just tell me what happened?"

"I want to tel you something beforehand, Niall." Harry gulped hard. "This is not the way that I wanted to tell this, but, I am falling in love with you. I am falling so deep."


"Don't. Just wait." Harry's heart was racing; he was trembling. "Just remember that I care about you so demand much and this night meant everything to me. It really did mean everything."

"You are scaring me..."

"I am going to be a dad." Harry whispered into the phone; complete silence on the other end.

"Niall, please speak to me." Harry said between quite sobs. "Please, please speak to me."

Niall didn't know what to tell Harry; he really didn't. He knew that what they did was wrong; but he really had some strong feelings for him; and he actually was ready to break it with Louis; but he is going to be a dad. There is no future for them.

"Don't, just don't stay quite. I need to hear you." Harry gulped as he tried to calm down. "I need you, baby. I need only you, just don't give up on me. I will find a way for this to work. I know it's not ideal; but we can hide us until my child is born and then I can gently break up with Sierra."

"Don't be silly, Harry. Your child needs you." Niall had few tears falling down his cheeks. "Anyways, this probably was a mistake. We have people who loves us and we l-love them too, right?"

"I love you." Harry couldn't believe that he slipped up; but he needed Niall to know that.

"No you don't. You just don't know what you want. But now you will have a family and, and I won't stand in the way."

"Stop it, Niall. I don't want a family, I want you." Harry practically shouted in to his phone. "I love you, baby. Only you."

"Goodbye, Harry."

"NO! Niall! No!" As soon as the line went dead; Harry's hand collided with the white doors of the stall; his heart was broken and the sad part is that he knew that his heart will break; but he didn't think that it would hurt this damn much.


Hello, my Little Love's! 💕

You guessed it right with Louis! I can't hide anything from you!!!!

This is only the start of everything! Just wait!

Lots of Love - M🥀

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