parsnips has joined

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Parsnips001 has joined the game.

The chat box in the corner of my screen announced, then started fading until a new message appeared.

SpecialKai: join vc

I quickly typed out a message, grinning stupidly.

Parsnips001: no

Less than two seconds passed before I got a response;

Ravioli: Now listen here you little shit....

"Alright, alright..." I said to myself as I switched tabs to discord and joined a voice channel titled 'gamers'.

"Yo!" I semi-yelled, then realised I hadn't connected yet.
After hearing the rest of the group though, I instead decided to announce my presence with a loud "HEHEHE, OH SQUIDDY!", quoting a shitpost Rav frequently spammed.

"Oh no..." I heard Kai mutter.

"So..." I trailed as I wandered through the foreign surroundings of the server. "How far are you guys?"

"Probably at least, two thousand blocks," Wave said matter of factly.

"No, I meant, like, how far ahead."

Wave responded smugly, "Oh, well I have netherite armour and tools!"

"And a diamond house too, I'm guessing?" I replied, my sarcasm rivalling his smugness, a battle we'd fought ever since we met.

"I only have full iron, and Rav has some armour too." Kai said.

"I would have diamonds if Wave wasn't such a dick!" Rav shouted in frustration.

"What happened?" I asked curiously, cocking my head sideways, even though noone was there to see.

"I trapped her." Wave stated, "It was pretty easy too."

"Then I ransomed her freedom for all her items," He continued, as I headed towards a dense oak forest. "Inventory and chests."

"But then he killed me anyway!" Rav whined. Wave responded, "Had to make sure I had all of it."

"And you're a lying bastard." Kai added.
"If you were already going to start from square one, what was the problem with dying?" I asked, while I continued to explore the digital wilderness, encountering a pig and punching it to death. "Let's get some bacon!" I excitedly muttered.

"How do you always act like you know the game so well," Rav began, "When you forget about experience!"
"OOF." I replied as I realised what she meant. I had also found more animals to 'harvest'.
"So, how many levels?"
"Thirty five." She deadpanned.

"Where you really going to enchant anything though?" Kai questioned.
"Yeah!" She responded defensively.

"So, how'd ya do it?" I asked, destroying an oak tree with my fist whilst talking.
"I trapped her with a 'fake' enchantment table, and some hidden pistons." Wave ejected, probably impressed by his own genius or something.
"Yeah, that and he'd destroyed my bed." Rav mumbled.
"Redstone; for all your chaotic evil purposes!" I interjected, imitating an overly enthusiastic advertisement.
"I am not chaotic evil, I'm chaotic neutral!"
"Fine," I begrudgingly stated. "Redstone; for all your chaotic neutral purposes!" I said again, making sure to emphasise the 'neutral' to a mocking degree.

"Well, I guess I should make myself a house..." I thought to myself, "I just gotta get some birch!"
I wandered for awhile until I'd reached a flower forest, "Guys!" I shouted in the moment,
"Yeah, what?" "What?" "What is it?"
The three others responded. "I FOUND A FLOWER FOREST!" I excitedly, and loudly, announced.
"Pog." Wave said, almost deadpanned. "Nice!" The two others responded in almost unison, although Rav had more enthusiasm than Kai.

"Yeah! I'm going to build a cute cottage, slash underground mansion!" I excitedly hyped up my build plans as I made a wooden pickaxe from a crafting table I'd made a few minutes ago, then punching it until it'd been sucked into my inventory with a small 'pop!'. I then punched through the grass and dirt below me, until I'd reached stone, mining three blocks that transformed to cobblestone and taking out the same crafting table and creating a stronger, stone, pickaxe.

I took a look at the freshly crafted tool, with its pristine durability, and began mining around myself, preparing for my aforementioned underground mansion.

While mining underground, I heard the familiar sound of rain falling and hitting against blocks, causing particles of blue to form above me before dropping expectedly. What wasn't expected though, was for rain to begin falling outside at the same time.
"Lol, it just started raining outside." I halfheartedly joked.
"Wait really? Me too." Kai responded, actually sounding quite genuine, but surely that couldn't have happened?Kai lived in an entirely different country...
"What about you guys?" I asked.
"What do you think?" Rav replied sarcastically, we lived within two streets of each other though, so the attitude was expected, if not, warranted.
"Uh, yep," Wave cautiously said, "Thats pretty weird, I mean it was sunny just a minute ago..." Wave had moved a couple months ago, to a city known for 'bi-polar' weather though.

Surely, this was just some weird coincidence?
That was probably what all of us were thinking.

I continued mining, singing 'Mine Diamonds' whilst doing so.
"~Mining away,~" I 'sung', "~I don-" My speech was interrupted by thunder echoing in both the sky and my headphones.
Then again, I heard it. Thunder, both in-game, and in real life.

Followed by lightning.

A/N: It is WAY too late for me to read this over, also I can't reorder chapters on mobile. I think.

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