chapter 4: what can we do

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Damien P.O.V

The second I hit the door my feet felt so... heavy? It felt like I was going to collapse any minute now. I peered into the kitchen for a second to see the woman that I was living with making dinner. She's making shredded chicken tacos "one of my favorites? how she knows?" I said. I want upstairs to my room and collapse in my bed. All I did was talk but I still feel like the day was too heavy for me.

I pulled out the book my dad gave me and started to read from it. "Looking over every aspect of this and I didn't make any progress today". I threw the book across the room. Putting my head back down into my pillow. I thought for a second then I started to call my dad. I use my hell Flames to call him.

"dad are you there? I have something very important to tell you!" I said frantically "yes, boy what is it?" He answered, "well, I met with Philips today". dad sprang up from his seat "really what did you find!" he said. "nothing really all we did was talk". "well, that's great! You're getting to know each other he might open up to you soon".

I looked at my dad angrily "well, you only gave me a week to solve this whole thing and it would be nice if anyone can remember who I am! SOMEONE LIKE PIP!" Dad looked at me and rolled his eyes

"listen it was better this way. Now no one can remember all the crazy things you did in that one week you were there. But they didn't lose all memory of you they do remember you were there for a week then left. Some people don't remember you at all over the things you did to those some people. So whatever you did to pip was so horrendous that my spell made it best for him not to remember you at all! whatever YOU did made the spell make him not remember you".

I was going to snap back at him but the more I think about it the more I realize he was right. First, I ignored him and everything he said. Second, I use the fact that everyone hated him to get me popular and 3rd I tried to burn him alive. "No wonder the spell made him not remember me". I thought to myself "but there is one problem?" My dad said, "what, what is it?" "The mind-wipe didn't wipe one person". My eyes widen "really! who?"

"I'm not for sure exactly. It's like this person's not in the books. all I really know is that this person goes to your school. This could be a problem later. I want you to figure out who this person is and try to stay far away from them as possible! got it!" I sigh in relief "yeah I got it," I said before putting out the flame. I laid down and got under my covers there's nothing more to do today. What can I really do? The second I close my eyes I was fast asleep.

Oct, 26th Pip P.O.V

I woke up sun glaring through my window side. I got up to close my window then I laid back down. I don't know why but I wasn't feeling it today. I didn't want to get up. I didn't want to eat. I didn't feel like going outside. All I want to do is stay the place I feel most safe. Because sometimes Jackie doesn't even feel safe to me. I lay there as rapid thoughts went through my head "what if he's not as I sent him out to be? What if I go on Friday and it would be a huge, HUGE mistake?"

A few minutes have passed of me laying there. I suddenly heard my doorknob turn. Startled I turned my head the other way as my door opened. I knew it was my sister entering my room. I could smell the cigarettes from here. She walked over to my bed and sat down. Suddenly a thud hit the floor. She then gets up and walked over to my dresser. She laid something out then said, "these are your clothes for tomorrow where them."

Usually, I'll turn around and thank her but this time I don't feel like it. I could feel her eyes staring at the back of my head we didn't say anything to each other. I heard footsteps coming toward my bed again then sitting back down. She sat there for a minute say nothing to me. Out of nowhere starts to rub my back Softly "you'll be an alright kid." She said before leaving my room and closing the door.

my dark angel, South Park (pip x Damien)Where stories live. Discover now