chapter 7: after school activity

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they continue to kick around the ball for a little while longer. Craig had stretched his arms and said.

"Okay, this sh*t boring now. Let's go sit on the roundabout."

"Yeah, I was just thinking the same thing come on guys" Stan responded.

They all went to the roundabout and sit down. They didn't do much there they just stared at the girls as they played and check their phones. Damien had other things on his mind. He Wonders a lot about what was up with pip. On the one hand, pip would be nice and mostly shy. But on the other, he would blatantly be rude and ignore people. Damien thought there had to be a way to know more about that. Damien suddenly got an idea. he looked around for a moment before he saw who he was looking for. Kenny was sitting on the other side of the roundabout staring into nothing. Damien slowly and carefully shuffled his way over to Kenny trying not to bother the others.

"Kenny...hey Kenny..." Damien whisper, he continued to do this until Kenny finally noticed him.

Kenny looked over at Damien. He didn't say anything to him he just stared.

"Back when I first came to this school pip was so different. He wanted to be friends with anybody he could be friends with and talk to as many people as he could. Even if people were mean to him he would still try and try to be a friend but now it's different. Did something happen while I was gone that changed him?" Damian said

Kenny went back to staring at the girls as they run around on the playground.

"There are two things I can remember that could have changed him," he said

Damien scooted closer and whispered, "what is it?"

Kenny lowered his voice and started to speak

"It was one of those situations where we drag the whole town in our bulsh*t. Some giant robot celebrity was destroying the town because we made fun of her. I don't care enough to remember her name all I know is that pip tried to be the hero for once and got himself seriously hurt, like bad. If you can't tell he didn't die from this situation but he did have a new outlook on life. He found out the world was cruel to those who try to help but he still believed that those who wait will be saved."

Damien's face grow with worry "and the second situation" he said

Kenny continued, "and the second situation was probably the reason why he's like this now. One morning we had music class he seemed dazed all through class and near the end of class, he collapses out of nowhere. I and Butters went to the hospital to see what happened. They said he had two broken ribs and a fracture. We had no idea what happened but his sister's reaction to it all just told us everything. She was so fake it was obvious that she was abusing him. I think the doctors noticed that too. After that pip didn't show up to school for the next 5 weeks but he was released in three. When he came back to school it seems that his beliefs had changed again. The worst of it all was when we asked him what really happened he just kept saying he fell down the stairs on his own. I think from that moment on he didn't believe that if you wait long enough you will be saved. Sometimes it's hard to save someone that doesn't want to be saved."

Damien started to think to himself "that would explain why he was so jumpy when I saw the mark on his wrist and ran away"

Kenny suddenly slipped Damien a piece of paper that read: I don't know why he ran away from you earlier, but whatever it was you should probably apologize if you ever need to talk just use this ~(xxx-xxx-xxxx).

Damien looks at Kenny and nodded then Damien was off to find Pip.

Pip's pov.

I ran as fast as I could. I didn't stop until I got to another safe spot that I knew about. I took a deep breath. And lean against the tree that was right in front of me. I pulled up my sleeves look at my wrist. It was bruised badly. I put back up my sleeve and side.

my dark angel, South Park (pip x Damien)Where stories live. Discover now