Chapter Four: Letters. Pt 2.

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Sky's P.O.V

This building seemed much taller before I got to the roof. Now it seems like the 50 floors have shrunk to 5.

I don't know what to do. He knows I love him. And he loves me too.

He loves me too.

That's an odd set of words to think in this context. Bridge loves me, Sky Tate, back. His lips felt so warm as I kissed them. His eyes looked so hurt as I turned away. Why did I not stay? Stay, lips locked, with the man I've been in love with for 5 years.

I take out my notebook and start to write.

'To the other Rangers.

I'm sorry to what I have to do. I can't keep going with my feelings locked up. I knew you would look for me if I resigned. I knew you would find me and convince me to return. But you can't if I'm not here. I have to do what is best. My feelings can't interrupt your job as Rangers.

Jack, we didn't see eye to eye at first but I've grown to respect you. You have shown great leadership in the last few weeks. And here's me, giving up after two days of being a Power Ranger, What good would I be as a Red Ranger?

Syd, you have been a great friend the last 3 years. I've enjoyed watching you grow in confidence with your fighting skill. You have been there for me whenever I needed you. Do you remember how you had to hug me after you beat me in the simulator?

Z, despite only knowing you for a few weeks, you have really become one of us. I think, if we had known each other longer, we would have ended up like family. I'm not a robot really, like that character in your book.

And lastly.


Bridge, I have loved you for five years. You are the light of my life. I could control my feelings for you. I could tell you didn't like me the way I did you. I bottled them up. I could control them for all those years until yesterday. Yesterday, you asked me to stay with you. I shouldn't have listened to your drunkern, asleep self. I should have just gone to my own bed. But I couldn't. You hugged me. It was so nice to lie with you like that.

Then you kissed me. You were drunk. I had to pull away, knowing you would not remember any of this.

Then, earlier, I could tell you meant your word. I had started piecing together the hints that you liked me. I had hope. But your kiss unlocked the feelings I had locked. I knew I couldn't stay at SPD. And now, everyone knows my secret. I can't stay anymore.

I wish for nothing but to kiss you once more. But that can never happen.

Don't mourn me. Just keep fighting.

Ex- SPD B-squad Blue Ranger, Schuyler Tate. Offline.


I ended the letter and carefully ripped it from my notebook. I reread it a few times before folding it and placing it into my pocket.

I sit on the edge of this building, looking out to the city in front of me.

I hear my name being shouted by two familiar voices, but it's to late. I pushed myself from the roof top and let the wind hit my closing eyes.

Bridge's P.O.V

I spot Sky at the top of a building.

I can tell Syd has spotted him too. We call out to him.

But I was to late. I watched him fall.

"SPD Emergency!" I yell out, quickly morphing into the green ranger.

I don't even know if this is going to work. I run to the building, trying to work out where he will land.

By pure luck, I caught him, my knees buckling and both of us collapsing to the ground. I hear Syd yell for me before passing out.

I opened my eyes to blinding lights. Syd was crying into my arm.

"Syd, what's wrong? What happened?"

She looks up to me, a look of joy and sorrow in her eyes. She hugs me.

"Oh Bridge, thank God your okay!" I look around noticing Kat and Doctor Felix talking. Peanuts, Syd's stuffed animal is next to me. But where's Sky?

"Sky! Where's Sky?" Syd stops hugging me and sits back in her seat.

Kat begins to speak. "Sky is in intensive care in a different part of the infirmary. It's only been a couple of hours, it's still to early to tell whether he'll be okay." I begin to cry. This is all my fault. "I promise you we are doing all we can but until he wakes up, there is no way in telling how much damage has been done."

"Well, can I see him? Can I go to him?" I try to get out of bed but doctor Felix gives me my Marching orders to stay in bed.

I sit back and cry. This is going to be tough.


Word count: 847


Betcha didn't think that was going to happen, huh?

I'm sorry.

Kyla xx

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