Chapter 8

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I felt all the blood leaving my face, probably going pale and  Earth putting an arm around my shoulders supportingly.

"That doesn't need to mean anything Saint. See, P'Kao also never dated a guy before me."

I glanced at the older and he just slowly nodded, but had this somehow sad expression. Though I couldn't be 100% sure, he probably asked himself if Earths reaction back then was the same. When Earth met Kao... he already knew that Kao was into girls. But Earth being the person he was, didn't car at all. If Earth wants something, he's getting it. I wasn't that confident about it.

"Don't misunderstand it", P'Mew quickly added.

"When I asked around for someone named Zee, two or three of the older employees knew him and did talk a little about him. They complained that he was so handsome back then, that the attractive young boys would come to him and ask him to be their Dom. But he always declined saying 'I am not into guys, sorry'. But they never saw him with a girl or heard him talk about one. So theoretically... he could be gay but just not being open about it. Maybe he just kept himself for his mate."

Mild raised an eyebrow: "He is like 27 or so now right? Most people that age either found their mate or they gave up. I don't want to think of the worst but... what if he already mated with someone else, and thats why he didn't leave his contact info or anything behind?"

The room went silent at this remark, me looking down on the ground.

"I don't think that has to be the case", Kao suddenly said and caught everyones attention.

"You remember the Professor I told you all about?"

We slowly nodded and looked at him confused. He was already eliminated from the list of possible candidates.


* Kaos Pov *

I let out a small sigh after finally parking my car in a free spot and walking to my faculty, when my phone suddenly rang. Confused about why he would call me right now, I answered:

"Ohm? What's up?"

"Kao hurry up here... get your legs in your hand and run!"

I stopped in my spot confused about what had made Ohm suddenly say such things.

"And why?"

"You know how our professor got sick this morning and the class got kind of cancelled? Well... the new professor for the undergraduates is gonna teach it today. And he said... whoever skips it will be reported to the Dean."

My eyes widened and I quickly started running to the faculty, giving my best so that I would be there in time. It wasn't my plan to skip the lesson or just do something else, but just coming 5min too late when you just get tasks and thats it, wasn't that much of a problem. Especially if I could spend more time with Earth that way. But... I had already heard that the new professor was very strict, and something like a Deans remark wouldn't do any good in my papers.

Thankfully, I was there a minute before the beginning of the lecture and hurried to my seat next to Ohm. Panting, I took my I-pad out as well as the sheets for todays lecture.

Not even half a minute later, there was loud commotion outside, the door swung open and a tall man walked inside.

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