Rules for Participants

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Please follow these rules otherwise you will be automatically cut from the competition.

➡ Follow my account and @Swiftie1989Fan my old account.

It doesn't have to be permanent. Just follow me until this contest is closed. I can easily find your account so it and your story if you do so.

➡ Add this story to your reading list.

You will get notifications if I update anything.

➡ Put this story on your message board.

Copy this link and paste it on your message board. Let your followers know about this story.

➡ Have at least five chapters published.

This can include prologue and epilogue but not character introductions, authors notes, aesthetics, etc.

➡ Cannot be a mature-rated story.

This means no swear words, sex, or gory violence.

➡ Don't be rude!

Please don't' say any rude things about me or the judges, or any other user. This is a very strict rule and I expect everyone to follow it.

➡ English stories only!

I don't know any other language besides English so please follow this rule. If you live in another country and you speak a different type of English, that will be allowed. If you already have a story ready for this contest and it is not in English, I recommend making an English translation of it.

➡ The story has to have one of the following topics:

- 19 years after the Battle of Hogwarts

- The first wizarding war era

- During Harry's years in Hogwarts

- Marauder's era

- Oneshot collection

You can enter more than one story as long as they don't have the same topic.

➡ Tag this contest.

In the tags section of the story, type in #finiteincantatemawards or #patronusqueen07. If you have too many tags, type one of the hashtags in the description. 

➡ Notify me if you change anything.

If you change your username or the title of the book, please private message me about it so I don't have to go searching for anything.

➡ Don't bribe me or the judges.

You will be immediately disqualified.

➡ No self-advertising!

This is not a place to advertise your stories. You will be elimintated from these contests.

➡ No reentering.

This is the first year of these awards but you cannot enter your story more than once in different years.

➡ Judges can't join this contest for the topic they are judging.

If you are a judge, you can enter any other topic but the one you are judging.

➡ AU allowed

You can write AU stories as long as there are at least three characters from the original series.

Finite Incantatem - Harry Potter Awards 2020 (Closed)Where stories live. Discover now