Rules for Judges

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If you don't follow these rules, you can't judge for this contest.

➡ Follow me and @Swiftie1989Fan my old account.

You don't need to follow me permanently, just until I close the contest.

➡ Add this book to your reading list.

You will get notifications if I update anything.

➡ Share this contest on your message board.

Tell your followers about this!

➡ Don't be rude!

Don't say any mean things about the participants, me, or any other user.

➡ Tell me if you change your username.

Private message me if you change your username.

➡ You can enter the contest.

As long as you don't enter the topic you are judging, you can enter the contest.

➡ Judge a minimum of 5 books.

The person who judges the most books will get a special judge award.

➡ Read at least 7 chapters.

If there are 5 chapters, then you can read the whole book. Read at least 7 chapters so you can get the feel of the story. This is not counting the author's notes, character introductions, aesthetics, etc.

➡ Follow the judging criteria.

The chapter after judges forms.

➡ Don't send your participants their score!

You can rate the stories our of 10. When you decide on a score, private message me, and I will post it. If you have any ideas of how the participants can fix their story, private message me that too.

➡ You don't need to have experience as a judge.

All I'm looking for is that you want to be a judge in this contest.

➡ You will have a month to judge your books after the deadline.

Private message the other judges from your topics the name of the books you have judged right after so no one does the same ones. Each of you will judge 5 stories at least.

➡ Leave a few comments on the books and vote!

Only vote if you like the story. We don't want to give the contestants false hope.

➡ I will assign you participants to judge.

There will also be a list of participents you can choose from and please write the ones you choose in the comments.

➡ Notify me if any contestant tries to bribe you.

Bribing is strictly against the rules and will not be tolerated.

➡ No self-advertising.

This contest is not a place to advertise your books so please don't do it!

➡ If you had any issues between a participant, don't judge them unfairly.

It is not fair.

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