@demigodextraordinare's Results

33 2 11

Judge: @ursisinredunderline 

Title: The New Law || Dramione & Blinny

Topic: During Harry's Years in Hogwarts

Grammar/Spelling: 6 (You had a few small grammatical errors)

Title: 8 (It's good but I think "The Marriage Law would be a better title)

Summary: 9

Characters: 4 (There isn't much character development)

Plan: 3 (I'm not trying to be mean, I mean, you said yourself that you didn't have much of a plan)

Creativity: 6 (Just like the plan you didn't really seem to have much creativity) 

Writing Style: 8

Rules: Followed

Total Score: 44

Criticism: The story wasn't bad, I just think your grammar and plan wasn't on point. Also, you spelled Gryffindor wrong... Other than that, I really liked your story and I couldn't put it down! I recommend continuing writing your story, it'll really improve your style.

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