Criteria for the Judges

26 4 0

Private message me your answers for each section. Give me one message for each story.

➡ Grammar/Spelling

10 - No mistakes

8 - Few mistakes but it's not a big deal

5 - At least one mistake in each paragraph

3 - Mistakes in a lot of sentences

0 - Gosh, there were a whole lotta mistakes!

➡ Title

10 - Suites story well

5 - It goes with part of the story

0 - It doesn't make any sense!

➡ Introduction/Summary

10 - Fits the book perfectly

5 - It's good, but it doesn't really explain the story

0 - It didn't even fit the story

➡ The Characters

10 - You could imagine exactly how they look and act

5 - They were pretty good

0 - There were characters?

➡ Plan

10 - The story was obviously planned out

5 - Some where planned and some just seemed random

0 - Wasn't planned at all

➡ Creativity

10 - Very original

5 - Some where taken from other stories

0 - It was exactly like a book I read!

➡ Writing Style

10 - Beautiful style

5 - It was okay

0 - Horrible Style

➡ Rules

10 - All rules where followed

5 - A few rules where followed

0 - No rules where followed

➡ How You Should Send The Scores

 Username of Participent:

Title of the Book:










Total Score:  


Try to be kind for the criticism.

Finite Incantatem - Harry Potter Awards 2020 (Closed)Where stories live. Discover now