new arrival

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Time laps 2 months

Hey guys its E here and this will me nw of my only authors notes so I'm just writing this to tell you that I'll me introducing a new character by the name of Caelan.
P.s this chapter is dedicated to my friend\sister Mimi_Bear083  @TimaraL123.

Jaces POV:

Its been a few months since Clary first arrives at SHH  and since she told us who she really is, Clarissa Morgenstern and its been a few months since I realised I'd do anything to protect her.

I get pulled out of my thoughts when someone clears their throat behind me. I turn around to see who it was that interrupted my deep thoughts and I am shocked to see who I find, Clary."Clary, Izzy isn't here if that's what you wanted to know." Instead of leaving she comes and sits down opposite me ,"what have I ever done to you?"she asked me. I look at her in disbelief." what are you talking about Clary", "why do you hate me so much, I can't remember ever doing anything wrong to you, so why do you hate me so much?"

I can't believe she thinks I hate her," Clary I don't hate you I just.." she looks at me expectingly "you just what jace " I look into her luscious green eyes and think to myself I can't tell her how I feel so I should just make something up, right? "I just.... by the Angel why do you have to be so annoying" I shout at her. I didn't mean to shout at her its just what came out.

She looks at me and I can tell my words hurt her and then she opens her mouth and says,"well I'm sorry I annoy you so much, and here I came hopping we could actually be friends. Clearly I was wrong." With that she gets up and leaves and in that moment my heart shatters.

What have I done.

Clary's POV:

I can't believe Jace said all that I thought that we could be friends or maybe something more. But obviously not. I'm so infuriated why Jace that I have no idea where I am I think somewhere in the country. Then a thought dawns on me, how long have I been gone?

I walk around for a while trying to figure out where I am when me, being my most graceful self , I trip and fall down a hill. When I reach the bottom I notice that I'm facing the Wayland manor house.

I walk over to the porch steps and notice there's someone or something in the door way. I take out my seraph blade and walk up to the figure, as I near it, it begins to take shape of a boy. By now I'm face to face with him well face to chest because hes what looks like 6'2 and me being my 5'2 self.

I look up and notice that he was already staring at me. He has dark hair, and his skin is so pale he could be a vampire but I know he's not because of his many,many runes but what I notice are his ice blue eyes.

He extends his hand out for me to take and says,"Hi I'm Caelan."

im Clary Fray and this is meWhere stories live. Discover now