The Shy Guy

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Isadora's POV

I was rushing to my next class when I met him. He was everything you could ever want in someone. He was tall, had dark brown hair, and deep brown eyes. He was perfect. How I met him was not so perfect. Like I had said I was rushing to class when I met him, but I shoved aside and as a result of that I drop all of my books and textbooks.

"Hey!" I cried out while dropping all of my stuff in the hallway.

"Should've walked quicker cakesniffer," Carmelita said sticking her tongue out at me and running away.

"Ugh," I said having to pick up my stuff off the floor. While other people were watching me.

Then he came. He was charming and handsome. He helped me pick up my stuff. His name was Klaus. A real bookworm he has read more books than everyone combined in the school or so I've heard. He helped me pick up my stuff. He was quick and left before I could even get a chance to thank him. I think he was really shy but really cute. 

I got to class a bit late but the teacher could hardly care. I couldn't stop thinking about him. I never really believed in love at first sight but I couldn't get him out of my mind. I didn't pay attention in class at all. Not that I would've learned anything. I went off to my next class hoping to spot him in the hallway. But I didn't see him. It was almost as if he didn't exist and that he was just part of my imagination. I went off to class a bit disappointed that I didn't see him, but then again it was a crowded hallway.

Klaus's POV

I helped her get her stuff off the floor after Carmelita knocked it out of her hands. She was so beautiful and I've seen her in the hallway occasionally, but I've never been able to talk to her. Not that I did anymore so. I just help her get her stuff and left. I didn't even get the chance to talk to her since I was always so shy. Being shy is a curse and a blessing at the same time. It can help you very rarely but most of the time, it was a curse. I was really hoping to be able to talk to her.

Isadora's POV

I knew at lunch that I'd probably see him. I mean he did seem about my age. At least I hoped so. I was so anxious at lunch wanting to meet him an absurd amount. I never really have felt about anyone like this especially someone I just looked at. Then it hit me what if he's a total ass or even worse just another stupid boy. I felt a sudden wave of disappointment. I was falling for someone just from looks. All of a sudden I was stupid.

Klaus's POV

I came into the lunchroom and got my lunch then sat down. I sat by myself most of the time occasionally with other people sitting down just to get some homework answers. Not to brag but I was the smartest kid in my grade. I didn't like to say that out loud or even think about it but it was true. Lunch was going all normal until the girl I helped out earlier came and sat down in front of me.

"Hey!" She said whilst her eyes were sparkling at me.

Isadora's POV 

"Hey!" I said while sitting down in front of him.

"H-hi," He said with a stutter.

"I just uh- wanted to thank you for helping me pick up my stuff."

"I-it was no problem," He said almost too quietly for me to hear.

"You're definitely a shy guy," I said to him. He just smiled shyly. 

A/N Just a short chapter. :)

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