A Cozy Christmas Morning

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Tis was the morning of Christmas day and throughout the Quagmire household, you could feel the children bursting with excitement. Their Uncles and Aunts were over as well as their cousins. So you could tell about how much excitement there was in that household. Excitement had come rarely to the Baudelaires and Quagmires when they were children, so they were always making sure that their own children never had to face the misery and despair they had to. This is why each of their children got what they wanted but of course, it had to be within reason. Duncan and Violet's children were the first up and went off to go wake their parents. 

"Mom, dad wake up!" Kit said getting on their bed.

Edison and Parker followed suit. They then started jumping on their bed. Waking up their parents.

"Guys it's 7:00 am," Duncan said with a groan.

"Exactly which is why you guys need to get up so that we can be the first to open the presents," Parker said with excitement.

"We'll be up in a second then," Duncan said turning over so that his children could see him.

"You better," Eddie said while all of them were getting off their bed.

They then all left their room going down the hallway.

"Do we have to get up," Violet said whining.

"You don't, I'll let you sleep in for a couple more minutes," Duncan said kissing her forehead and getting up.


Elise and Henry got up next, but it was more like Elise went to go drag Henry out of bed. They then went to the guest room where their parents were staying. They went into the room not surprised at all to find their mother reading and their dad snoring away.

"Nice to see that you guys were finally able to get up so early," Fiona said looking down at her fungi book.

They looked down a bit saddened that they weren't able to wake up both of their parents.

"But you guys can of course still wake up your father."

Elise and Henry both exchange a look filled with happiness and leaped onto the bed and started jumping on it. Their dad soon woke up in a few jumps.

"What time is it?" Quigley said grabbing a pillow and putting it over his head.

"It's time for you to get up," Elise said yanking the pillow off of his head.

"I will just let me sleep in for another ten minutes please," Quigley said giving them the puppy dog eyes.

"Okay, but we'll be counting down," Henry said getting off the bed.

"Yep, "Elise said along with her brother. They both then left the room.

"Thank you," Quigley mumbled getting comfortable again.

Fiona got up and walked over to Quigley and kissed him on his cheek.

"Don't get too comfy," Fiona whispered in his ear.

He groaned and went back to sleep ignoring her.

11 minutes later

Elise and Henry came barging into the room. They went on the bed and started jumping like crazy. Their mother was still reading and laughing while their father started whining.

"Wake up!" Elise said laughing and smiling while doing so.

"We let you sleep for 1 whole extra minute," Henry said laughing as well.

"All right, all right I'll get up," Quigley said abruptly getting up.

"Don't be mad it's Christmas," Fiona said looking at him.

"I'm not mad just a bit irritated," Quigley said.

"Whatever you say," Fiona said with a sigh.


Finally, Audre and Roselind got up. Audre was the oldest so she liked to get up earlier, it was just her thing. Roselind was already up when she got to her room probably because it was Christmas and she was excited. That was a no brainer. They both went into the room where their parents were staying. They knew this because it was right next to the library, their parents were both book addicts. So when they went into the room and they weren't there they suspected that they were in the library. To no surprise there they were getting books and reading them.

"Hello, children," Klaus said.

"Nice to see you guys up," Klaus said flipping a page in his book about Christmas traditions. Although they were pretty sure that he had already read that book.

"Oh, good morning children," Isadora said coming out behind one of the bookshelves.

"Good morning," They both said in unison with a bit of sadness to it.

"Why do you seem so glum," Isadora said grabbing a book.

"We just really wanted to wake you guys up."

"Well, maybe you'll get the chance to do that at a later time," Isadora said with a smirk.

Both children then smiled mischievously at their father.

"Uh," Klaus said worriedly.


Once all the parents were up they all made a nice big breakfast, but Sunny was the real person who made most of the food. She had a real talent for cooking, hoping to be a chef when she was a bit older.  For right now she was happy with cooking for her nieces and nephews. Breakfast consisted of waffles, pancakes, toast, orange juice, and milk (Parker wanted chocolate milk as well) the breakfast was Christmas themed. They all ate away cleaning up along as they ate.

All of the kids were very thrilled. Each of them wanted to be the first to open the presents. Then kids started arguing with each other.

"Well, I'm older than you!" Said one of the children.

"It doesn't matter just open the presents," Cried another.

"Yeah let's just open them!" Shouted one as well.

"No, we have to do it in an orderly fashion," The last one finally said.

They went on for probably a second before one of their parents opened them.

"Okay guys chill out," Duncan said.

"Is that supposed to be a joke dad," Kit said annoyed.

"Quite frankly no, but thank you for assuming so." 

Kit rolled her eyes but kept on listening.

"Anyway, here's how we are going to do this each of you are going to grab one gift each and you guys are going to open them together, okay?"

"Okay," They all agreed.

Once they all agreed they all started grabbing their own presents and started opening them. They all mostly got what they wanted. They were a few unexpected gifts here and there but overall everyone was happy with what they got. As the morning went into the afternoon they all sat there having a blast. By evening Sunny had made some cookies and hot chocolate. They told funny stories and sat around the fireplace telling them until it was time to go to bed. The day had gone by perfectly and they got their Cozy Christmas.

The end

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