The Walk Through the City

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Isadora's POV 

Klaus and I decided to take a walk around our new city since we had just moved here. The city was filled with commotion everywhere you walked. It was a lot different from where we had come from which was quietness and aloneness. It also had a bunch of stores ranging from bookshops to athletic shoe shops. The amount of diversity was immaculate and you could feel the happiness roaming through the streets. It was everything we wanted.

Klaus's POV

Isadora had brought up the idea of walking around the city. I had never been the type to like big crowds and stuff like that but she loved the idea of city life. So I thought whatever makes her happy makes me happy too. I guess another reason why I wanted to go was for the books as well but for the most part, it was for her.

Isadora's POV

We got dressed to go out. I wore a pretty floral dress paired with a denim jacket and some boots. While Klaus wore some denim jeans, a button-up shirt, and a trench coat along with some boots as well. Our first stop was to a small coffee shop whose theme was lemons. The coffee shop was a pastel yellow with a woody accent. 

"Where did you even find this place?" Klaus asked me as we looked at the menus.

"Google maps obviously, where else?" I said in a playful tone.

"Fair enough," He said looking at the menu.

"I think I'm going to get the Cappuccino," He said looking at me.

"Okay, I'm going to get the Iced Mocha then."

We waited in line until it was our turn to order. We both order our coffees and paid. Then we left going to the next shop which was the bookstore.

"You just know exactly where I want to go don't you," He said looking down at me.

"Well, it pays off when you've known someone since they were a child."

"Fan behavior much," He said sarcastically.

I "playfully" punched him as we walked in. He went to the history section of the store while I went to the poetry section. I'd say we probably sent a good 45 minutes just looking at the books before we walked out with 3 books each. By this time I had almost finished my iced coffee. The third store we were going to next was a clothing store (for me). I wasn't going to force Klaus to come into the store with me but he gladly accepted my invite and we went in together. 

Klaus's POV

I knew Isadora was going to take at least 2 hours to pick out a couple of clothes but that at least gave me some time to read one of my books that we had bought. I loved Isadora and would do anything for her even if that meant I had to sit in a women's clothing store for 2 hours.

Isadora's POV

Klaus had sat in the corner of the store reading and I didn't mind that since when I showed him a piece of clothing I was thinking of buying he gave me his feedback. I bought a couple of clothing items and then we went to lunch at this restaurant. We sat down and got the menus. We both looked at them for a while before we finally ordered. I ordered a basic sandwich with lemonade and Klaus order a pretty thick burger with fries and juice.

"Why did you order such a big burger," I said drinking my lemonade.

"Because I have a big appetite," He said taking a bit of it.

"Well that big appetite better finish that big burger," I said taking a couple of bits of my sandwich.

"It will don't worry," He said with a smile.

We went to a few more shops and stores before Klaus said he had a special surprise for me.

Klaus's POV

I took Isadora to the top of a roof to show her the city at night. I told her I had a special surprise for her which I did. We sat at the edge of the roof with her head on my shoulder.

"This is an amazing surprise, Klaus," She said looking out to the city.

"This isn't the whole surprise," I said, this might've been her idea to take me out to the city but I had another idea as well I thought while I took a small box out of my pocket.

A/N Happy Holidays I thought I should post something on my oneshots since its been awhile. But I would like you to take this chapter as a present from me to you! 🥰✨ Love you all stay safe and Happy Holidays!

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