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Making love to Shae felt like a new experience every time. I don't like it when we fight, but the passion within us comes through when we reconcile, and the feeling is better than just sexual. It's loving and romantic.

When she's beneath me, it's exciting. She feels so good and so right. It's natural to be with Shae, and honestly, I can't imagine this with anyone else. She so beautiful when I have her like this. Her moans drive me insane, and when she says my name, my heart flips. She's sexy and sweet all in the same, and she's this way just for me.

I know I said that I didn't know what the future held for us but what if Shae is my future? What if she is the one? I've dated before, but I've never loved anyone the way I love her. She had become my life and my world when I didn't think anything else would fit into this busy life of mine.

She does it perfectly.

"T-Tae..." She whined after a string of sexy nothings in my native language, dragged in her moans.

That drove me insane as well. I know this will unravel me, and it was too good to stop.

I lowered down to her and whispered sweet things in her ear. She gripped me tighter as I felt her around me. Her fingers locked into my hair as she held onto me. Sweat trickled down my back as I worked harder to please her and please myself in return.

Our breaths were heavy as we both heaved onto each other's skin, making it even hotter than it already was. It wouldn't be too soon before I wanted her again, but I must rest. I have a surprise planned for her, and I have to ready soon for it after we've slept a little longer, and I cuddled with her.

Still hovering her, I gazed into her eyes. There seemed to be some uncertainty within them. I would be lying if I said it didn't hurt to feel this, and in some ways, I understood, but I want to hear it from her.

"What is it?" She whispered, her chest rising and falling under me.

She's so breathtaking.

"I'm still a little upset, I guess," I admitted.

"With me? Of course..."

"No. Not with you. With what happened and with myself." I mumbled the last part, but Shae heard me clear enough as I rolled over beside her.

She turned to me, "why are you not upset with me? I should have been more honest about my feelings."

Would it be wrong of me to agree with her? I wish she were, but can I honestly blame her for being scared? I didn't make it easier for her to think otherwise.

"I'm not. I understand why. Still, I don't like what happened."

Shae sighed as she slid closer to me. She nestled underneath my arm, laying her head on my chest. I watched her as she held my hand, locking our fingers together. She must have been staring because she fell silent.

I couldn't help but gaze at my hand in hers. "I like this."

"What do you like?" Shae wondered.

"The way your skin looks against mine. It's beautiful."

A quietness hovered us again.

"It's not the first time I've had that thought," Shae spoke.

"What thought?" I was curious.

"When I wasn't sure about what was going to happen with my job a few months ago. I wondered if it would have been easier for you if I were gone." She explained.

A vision of Shae's words placed a thought in mind that made my stomach flutter in fear. I don't want to think about what my life would be like without her.

"It's not always easy Taehyung." She added. "Our relationship isn't normal, and we can exactly do the usual things as a couple. We can't be seen in public. Just the idea of someone seeing us now scares me. I don't want to cause any negative attention to you."

Funny, I don't want the same thing for her. I still think she's a mind reader.

"Is that what hurts you the most about what Yuri said?" It annoyed me to utter the name of the person who corrupted Shae, but it's good for me to remember. Let's hope I never have to meet her.

Shae's sniff echoed. She's sad again.

"I'm happy for every moment that we spend together. I enjoy living and working here. You have become the best part of this." She spoke.

Shae released my hand when she sat up to face me. "Let's be honest; we don't know what the future holds. I don't know if one day you have to choose between me and your career or when I will return to America. We don't know, and that's what I'm afraid of because I can't imagine my life without you."

I blinked while Shae's words repeated in my thoughts. That same flutter returned because I don't want to imagine my life without her either.

What do I do from here?

"Shae, I told you before that nothing would keep me away from you, and it still applies. My career is important, and so are you. I will do whatever it takes to have both. You won't return to America if this is where you want to be. I'll..."

My heart thumped loudly against my chest as the words stood on the tip of the tongue. Maybe I'm more sure of my future with Shae than I thought. "I'll marry you, and you would never have to return."

Shae's breath hitched. Her parted lips trembled. "T-Taehyung, that's not what I was saying."

"But it's what I'm saying. Being together for a year is big. Some couples don't last one month, and with everything we've been through and fought for, we created a year of love between us. Why wouldn't I want to marry you? I want more of that. Always."

Shae's tears glistened down her cheek. I brushed my fingers against them before I held her face in my hands and leaned in closer to her.

"I love you Sharese, and I will marry you one day."

Shae smiled. "You've never called my full name before."

"I've never been so serious about anything like this before," I uttered before taking her lips for a kiss.

"I've never been so serious about anything like this before," I uttered before taking her lips for a kiss

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