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Early this morning, we drove to my parents' house and picked up Tannie. He will stay with Shae while I'm away filming, and then I will spend time with them once I'm back. Tannie loves being here with Shae. I have to be honest; the first time he stayed here, I was a little worried. Tannie is not used to being around anyone besides my parents and my members, but he took to Shae's place more natural than I expected. It made me wonder why I was even worried? Shae took care of him just as she took care of me.

I think she loves Tannie more.

Now it's evening, and I've been holding out all day to give her a gift.

She made my favorite dish for dinner, just like she said she would. I've been watching Shae all day, smiling and happy. She told me she talked to Mija, who was very upset about what happened. Shae explained to her she didn't want to come between her and Jieun, but Mija told her otherwise. I know Mija loves Shae just as much as Shae loves her. Though she didn't have a reason to, Shae felt a little guilty, for if anyone could understand being in an interracial relationship, it would be Mija. Mija is of Spanish descent.

Because she's rectified her relationship with her best friend, she looked more like the Shae I love and adore.

When I hear her giggle with Tannie, she sounds like her too.

I honestly can't believe it's been a year.

When I think back to that day I met her in that jewelry store buying the birthday gift for her dad, the one thing I remember the most is her eyes. I never got over how kind and genuine they were. She didn't know me, not even knew of me, and it was clear. It gave me butterflies the moment her stare spoke to me before her sweet voice could. The feeling I felt is hard to describe now, but she captured me. She captured my heart.

To this day, she remains to do so.

There has always been guilt inside me from the way I treated her. I wasn't as kind to her sometimes. I would let disruptions in my work or other personal things control my feelings, and she suffered the lash of them. I didn't mean to hurt her, but I didn't know how to express myself around her. She took care of me, and after a while, I realized that I was in love with her, and I knew I fell for her the first time we kissed. I fought with my feelings until they conquered me. That's when I knew I needed to tell my secret.

Even though she knows, it still frightens me to this day.

Some things I keep from her like the sasaeng issue I've had, though I fear it isn't over. The last thing I want to do is create an unsafe environment for our relationship, and I don't want her caught in the crossfire of this.

I will tell her one day, but today isn't that day.

Today, I need to tell her something else.

She was my focus for the moment as I observed the way she played and cuddled with my furry best friend. I want to tell her so many things. Like how much I loved the way her eyes sparkle when she smiled. Not to mention the cute way the strands of her curly hair dangle along her face, heightening her profile, making her even more beautiful. I melt at the sound of her voice and miss her touch every second I'm away from her.

If I couldn't have this forever, what would be the point in living, especially if it were without her?

"I love you." The deep quiver of my voice was quick to her attention.

Shae lowered Tannie down while gazing at me. "I love you." She smiled.

Now was the time I needed to do this. I want to make us even more official than we are now. Reaching in my pocket, I pulled out the small, white velvet box. Everything in the room seemed to have gone silent, making it easy to hear the short breath from Shae's lips.

"T-Taehyung? What is this?" Her voice surprised, yet timid still.

"It's my one year gift to you. Please take it." I gestured the box to her.

With shaky hands, she received it and stared at it before her eyes found mine.

"Open it, Shae."

Shae lowered her gaze to the box, slowly opening it. Her breath escaped her again, and my heart fluttered. She pulled the ring out, setting the box aside. Shae's gaze connected with mine, and I saw the tears in them. I took the rose gold and white band from her and placed her right hand in mine.

"This ring is for this hand and this finger." I clarified. "Maybe we'll get one for the other finger another day." I smiled.

"Taehyung, it's beautiful."

"It's more than just beautiful. It's a beautiful promise." I slid the ring onto her finger. "First, I'm sorry Shae, for not taking the time to wish you a happy one year. This mistake has taught me I want many, many more years with you. I told you I would marry you and keep you here with me, and this is my promise to."

Tears fell down her face. "You really want to marry me one day?" She asked.

"Yes. Do you want to marry me one day?" I didn't have to think about my answer to her question.

"Yes." She answered so sweetly. "I want to marry you one-day, Taehyung. I can't imagine my life without you, and I don't want to try."

It made my heart melt to hear this. I can't believe that I found something so real as the love that's staring back at me now.

Locking Shae's fingers with mine, I ushered her on top of me and rested my hands onto her waist. She circled arms around my neck.

"Is that so, hm?" I asked her.

I heard the breath she quickly caught before a yes trailed from it. It's sexy to listen to her this way, and I know what will happen next. I've been waiting to touch her like this all day. Especially now, knowing I will always have her in my arms anytime I want.

She is made for me and me for her.

"Then kiss me, Shae, to keep your promise," I whispered to her.

Shae didn't hesitate as her soft lips stroked with mine. A kiss so sensual and romantic that it gave me butterflies like the times I craved once before, and I still did everything I could to hold on to that feeling.

A feeling from the need I craved her love for, lasting lifetimes over and over again until forever.

A feeling from the need I craved her love for, lasting lifetimes over and over again until forever

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