Thank You

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You know that feeling when you want to say like a ton of things and when it's time to say it, you choke?

That's how I feel writing this thank you.

When I started Need back in April 2019, I was in writer's block (I get them a lot) and I was afraid that if I didn't break out of it, then I wouldn't write again and my time on Wattpad would be over as soon as it began.

So what did I do? I turned to BTS.

I listened to them and flipped through the photos on my Pinterest until I came to one in particular and I talked about this photo in the first book Need and I used it in Crave.

When I began writing, I was just going to leave it in my drafts as a practice, but when I asked my best friend to read it. She urged me to publish, and so I did. Five books later and we are on the last book of this series.

At the moment I published Need, I learned that writer's block shouldn't stop me from writing. Even if I couldn't write on what I was rotating at the time, the passion and determination was still in me to bring words to life. So, now when I'm in a writer's block. I keep writing until I can reclaim the desire to work on my incomplete works and give you the best that I can. Typos, errors and all, but you still love it and I love you for that.

THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR ALL THE READS, VOTES AND COMMENTS that you've shown this series. I would not be here if it wasn't for your love and support. As I said before, my life here on Wattpad does not exist without you.

Thank you BTS for being the amazing muses that you are. There will come a day when I will no longer use you as characters and I hope whatever original characters take your place, live up to your standards.

To the newbies of this series, Welcome to Cupid's Corner! I hope you check out my profile and take a chance on some of my other works.

To my loyals, words will never do justice for how much I love and appreciate you. Please stay with me as I continue this journey. Buckle up because we have a long way to go.

I love you always! ❤️

Cupidslittlewings 💘

Cupidslittlewings 💘

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