1│pinky promise

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CHAPTER 1: pinky promise

Elaine wasn't expecting her father being hurt when she was ushered out of her room that night

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Elaine wasn't expecting her father being hurt when she was ushered out of her room that night. Professor Snape had come into her dorm and told her to follow him. She did all the way up to Professor Dumbledore's office. Her siblings were standing on one side of the room.

"You wished to see me, Headmaster?"

"Yes, Severus. I'm afraid we daren't wait even until morning." Snape took Harry's arm and brought him out of the office and closed the door roughly behind them. Elaine was genuinely confused about the whole situation.

"Your mother is on her way to St Mungo's and Professor McGonagall will take you there," he says with a saddened smile. St Mungo's? What will we be doing there?

"Okay, wait," everyone stopped to look at her. "What the hell is happening here?"

Ginny walks over to her and puts a hand on her shoulder, "Dad was attacked today in the Ministry. He's been sent to St Mungo's." Her face falters and a single tear runs down her face. Ginny wraps her arms around her twin sister. They walk towards the fireplace and goes to the hospital.

Elaine walks with Ginny, holding her hand. She doesn't have the best relationship with her family, but that doesn't mean she wants to see them hurt. No matter what they have done to her, she will always love them. A nurse led them to a waiting room where their mother was sitting. She hugged them all when she saw them, even Elaine. Which surprised her, but she hugged her back nonetheless.

They sat there for hours. Everyone was sleeping, exhausted. Elaine wasn't able to sleep. Her mind was wandering all over and her thoughts wouldn't let her rest. She was worrying too much about her father. Molly woke up and noticed her being awake.

"Aren't you going to sleep, Elli?"

She looked at her mother, "I can't. My mind won't let me."

"Oh, sweetie. He'll be alright," she says while trying to wrap her arms around her. Elaine gets up from where she is sitting to escape her mother's embrace, "Say that to my mind."

Molly opens her mouth to say something, but a nurse cuts her off saying that we can see him. Elaine and Molly decided to go first and wake the others later. They walk inside and see him lying on the bed. He hasn't woken up yet and he has bandages all over his body. Elaine walks over to him and grabs his arm, crying in silence. Her mother comes up beside her and places a hand on her shoulder. She wipes away her tears before going to wake up her siblings. They all wake up with a start and almost run inside. She follows them and goes to sit on the small sofa in his hospital room, falling asleep instantly now that she knows he's alright.

Back at Hogwarts the next morning, York and Astoria were beginning to worry about Elaine. Astoria shares a dorm with her and tells York about how Snape suddenly came in and took her with him. They tried to ask the teachers, but they didn't want to tell them anything, which made them even more worried. But they weren't the only ones who were worried. Draco didn't see her at breakfast that morning and saw the expression on her friends face, but he couldn't ask anyone. That was one of the downsides of their secret relationship. When they were sick or just not at school, they had no one they could ask. And right now that was killing him.

Draco saw Astoria leaving and went to follow her. He waited until she had come to a corridor where no one was before calling her name. She turned around, annoyed that he was calling for her. Thanks to her sister, Daphne, being his friend, she has been shielded from their pranks and hexes. "What do you want, Malfoy?"

"Information," she furrowed her eyebrows in confusion. "I noticed your friend, Wesel, wasn't here this morning. Where is she?"

"And why do you care?"

"Does it really matter?"

"Yes, I don't know what you'll do with the information I'll be giving you."

"You're in love with Theodore, right?" she gasps silently at his words. "I'll make him go on a date with you next weekend in Hogsmeade if you give me the information I want."

Astoria thinks for a few moments before deciding, "Fine, but pinky promise first." She moves towards him and takes his hand in hers and makes him do the pinky promise. He rolls his eyes at her. "There, now you have to do it!"

"Yes, yes, now tell me."

"I don't know where she is. Professor Snape came into our dorm last night and took her with him. We haven't seen her since," she says and turns away from him leaving before he's able to stop her. He takes a deep breath.

"What could have happened, seeing that Snape came to get her," he turns around, walking back to the Great Hall where his friends were wondering why he was acting so weird. They had never seen him like that. He was trapped in his thoughts, worrying about her. 

(A/N) Some of the lines in this chapter are from Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix movie script, which mean that I don't own it. Everything else is written by me.

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