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CHAPTER 15: if

For the first time since they got together, Elaine and Draco got to have an open relationship at Hogwarts

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For the first time since they got together, Elaine and Draco got to have an open relationship at Hogwarts. They held hands, kissed and didn't have to pretend to hate each other anymore. It was so good for them to finally be able to be open. If only they got to be happy in the process. Hogwarts had completely changed after the Dark Lord had taken over the ministry and the school. Sitting in the train, walking through the halls, sitting in the Great Hall and having him as headmaster. Elaine knew that Draco was supposed to kill Dumbledore, but that Snape came and killed him instead. Draco had told her about that day, what had happened. She was glad he opened up to her and told her. For her sake and for his, so that he doesn't have to live with the burden alone.

Something Elaine is very happy about is how Draco's friends are acting against her. It's so different than before. Usually, they would tease her or ignore her, but now they smile at her and include her in their conversation. Well, almost everyone. Pansy has been sending her deathly glances and growls lowly at her whenever she sits beside her. Blaise Zabini and Theodore Nott were the two that were nice to her. They would talk to her like normal friends. Even York and Astoria were included. Astoria had been included for a long time already since she's in a relationship with Theodore.

Today has been a long day with many things happening. Draco lay across the sofa with his head in Elaine's lap. She stroked his hair while trying to keep her eyes open. She could feel someone's eyes boring into her side. She looked up and saw Pansy staring at her, jealousy leaking from her eyes. Elaine was too tired to deal with her today. So she took out her wand, pointed it at Pansy and without a word, cast the stunning jinx at her. Pansy fell off the chair with a loud smash, earning a few curious glances from the other people in the common room and some laughs. Draco woke up with a start at the sudden sound.

"I'm sorry, Love, I didn't mean to wake you," Elaine says to Draco with a yawn. He tries to understand the situation and sees Pansy pointing her wand at Elaine. As the spell leaves her wand, Draco puts up a fast protection spell.

"Pansy! What the hell?"

She gets up from the floor and crosses her arms over her chest, "She started it!" she whines.

"Come on, Elli. Let's go to bed," he says while grabbing her hand. She smiles tiredly at him and lets him lead her to their bedroom. Somehow, Draco's parents had gotten them a shared room by themselves and Elaine wasn't complaining. She got to have a room away from everyone else and she got to lay beside Draco every night. When the young couple was out of sight, Blaise glared at Pansy.

"Really, Pansy? She started it? No, she didn't. You have been on her back the whole week. Glaring at her, snickering and saying things about her behind her back!"

"You lost your chance a long time ago. If you hadn't acted so lovesick, maybe, just maybe you and Draco could have had a chance. If they broke up now, you still wouldn't get to be with him," Pansy glares at the two boys before stomping up to her room. "Grow up!" Theodore shouts after her and she lets out a pissed shriek. Blaise rolls his eyes at his childish friend.


"You've been asked to come back to the Manor by Lucius Malfoy." Elaine looked at Snape with wide eyes. Why would he want us at the Manor? "He said you were more needed there than here at the school. "Go gather your stuff and then a teacher will take you to Hogsmeade where you will be able to apparate."

The young couple gives him a curt nod before walking to their common room. They walked in silence, both of them in deep thought. When they came inside, their friends wondered what Snape could have told them that made their faces look like that, but they didn't dare ask. After getting their stuff, Elaine walked over to Astoria and York to say goodbye. Then they began the walk towards Hogsmeade. Elaine apparated them to the Manor and they gave their trunks to the house-elves before Narcissa brought them to the living room. There, three people were standing in front of Bellatrix. Elaine was brought to stand by Narcissa while Draco was taken rather harshly by his father. When she turned around she saw that the three people standing in front of them were the golden trio. She saw the betrayal in their eyes. They hadn't been with them when she told her family about the Dark Mark. The look in their eyes would haunt her for a long time.

She's not able to listen to anything of the conversation and tries to lock eyes with Ron, to show him that she's sorry, but he avoids her eyes. Her head then suddenly shots up as Bellatrix uses different spells on the Snatchers that brought them in. 

"Where did you get this sword?! Was it you dearie?" Bellatrix moves towards Hermione, her wand pointing at her neck. Hermione shakes her head no, "No?! Then how come you have it?" Draco moves back to Elaine and embraces her. She buries her head in his neck trying to keep her tears in. "Wormtail. Put these two in the cellar. I want to have a little conversation with this one. Girl to girl," Elaine's eyes widen in fear. Then the screams of Hermione could be heard all around the house. It was horrifying to listen to and Elaine tried to close her ears, but her screams were too loud.

"Expelliarmus!" Ron said as he ran up the stairs. Multiple spells were shot around the room. Elaine raised her wand but didn't fire any spell.

"Stop, or she dies," Bellatrix was holding Hermione with a knife at her throat. "I said drop them! Pick them up, Draco. Now! Well, well, look what we have here. Harry Potter. All bright, shiny and new again. Just in time for the Dark Lord. Call him, Draco!" Draco hesitates. But Lucius doesn't, pulling up his sleeve and touching his finger to the Dark Mark on his forearm. Then a squeaking noise can be heard. Everyone glanced up to see Dobby unscrewing the chandelier. The chandelier falls down and Bellatrix bolts and Hermione staggers clear, falling into Ron's arms. Harry gathers the wands from Draco and points a wand at Lucius, yelling "Stupefy!" he falls back.

"You dirty little monkey! You could have killed me!"

"Dobby meant only to maim or seriously injure, not kill."

"For God's sake, Cissy, Elaine, you've got a wand! Use it!" They both hesitate and then Dobby flicks his fingers and their wands fly out of their hands. "How dare you take a witch's wand. How dare you defy your masters."

"Dobby has no master! Dobby is a free elf, and Dobby has come to save Harry Potter and his friends!"

"Elaine-- come," Harry reaches out his hand, but she just stands there. Frozen in place. Ron locks eyes with her right before they apparate.


"Did you know? About Elaine?" Ron asked his brother as they sat down at the table.

"Yes, I was there when she told us. George knew."


"She told him when he lost his ear. He promised to not tell anyone," they all let out a loud breath. "Elaine is lost. She strongly believes that we all disliked her because of her house. She distanced herself from us and we let her. We let her become this person. She has just lost her way and we need to show her the right path. If only she still was with us, then we could show her, but seeing she's at the Manor--" Ron's face falls as he remembers the Manor. If only he tried to see it from her point of view, then she would be here with them now.

(A/N) Some of the lines in this chapter are from the Harry Potter movie scripts, which mean that I don't own it. Everything else is written by me.

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