5│attention and love?

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CHAPTER 5: attention and love?

CHAPTER 5: attention and love?

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"Gin-- Ginny- Ginerva!"

"What?!" she says angrily at her twin.

"Play with me?" her angered look turned into a smile. For her birthday, Elaine got a piano from her mother and father. On one of Arthur's trips with his job, he found out that the muggles have this market where they sell used stuff for a low amount of money. He saw a small piano and instantly thought of Elaine. After a heated argument with the seller, Arthur got it for half price. Ginny also got something from that market.

So, now, for the last few weeks of the summer, Ginny and Elaine have been playing together. But Elaine has mostly been playing by herself. Her older brothers were first annoyed by her playing, but their mother made them shut it. After they came back for the Holidays, Elaine had been acting weird. They have gotten used to her distancing herself, but lately, she has been very inclusive of her sister. Their father thinks it may have something with her seeing Sirius die right in front of her eyes and that it may have made her think of previous events.

"I'm going to miss the sound of the piano when you two leave for school," Molly says, walking out of the kitchen. Ginny gets up from the chair to hug her mother. Elaine walks towards the sofa in the living room and starts to read. Or tries to read. She's unable to get Draco out of her head. She's been trying to send him letters, but he hasn't been sending her back. He sent one at the start of the summer, but no more than that one.

"What are you thinking about?" Ginny asks her after seeing her twin deep in thought.

"Nothing," she says and looks down at her book again.

"Is it about that boy?" She looks up from her book, "It is?" Elaine had been telling her that she's been talking to a boy after she got that first letter from Draco. So far she hasn't been suspecting anything. Ginny thinks it was some boy she met from Durmstrang when they were here for the tournament.

"It's just that he hasn't been sending me any letters since that first one--"

"Maybe he's just busy?" Maybe...

A week later, they were on their way to Hogwarts. Elaine didn't feel like sitting with her sister, so she went to the Slytherin compartment and sat down with York and Astoria. They told her all about their summer and everything they had done, but then she overheard something from behind her. She turned around slightly and saw that it was Draco and his friends. Throw myself off the Astronomy Tower? What is he talking about?

Then the compartment suddenly turns all black and panic erupts around the compartment. Elaine sits completely still, remembering her brothers sell this kind of stuff in their shop. Someone must have thought it would be fun to prank the Slytherins. She looks up and notices something moving over her. When the train stops she walks to the end of the compartment and sits down telling her friends she'll meet them later.

She sees Draco taking down all the blinds and turning towards the spot she saw something move earlier and casts a spell at the spot. Someone falls down and the cloak on top of him moves away to reveal Harry. Draco hits his nose with his foot and Elaine gasps. Then he notices her and moves a finger up to his lips. She nods at his instructions and he puts the cloak over him. They walk out of the compartment on different sides.

They walk through the security that has been put at the station and walk towards the castle. They missed the last carriage and had to walk there. After a few minutes of awkward silence, she decides to speak up, "How was your summer?"


She nods slowly, "I guess nothing much since you haven't been writing me back." He doesn't answer so she continues, "I got a piano for my Birthday. I have always wanted one, you know." He still doesn't answer and her blood starts to boil, "And I also got an Elephant, a big one from Africa."

"How nice."

Elaine looks at him in disbelief, "Are you even listening to me?" she shouts.

He stops and turns around facing her, "Keep your voice down!"

"That was the only way I could make you listen. You know what? I've been worried sick about you all summer and when I meet you again your acting distant. Did I do something? What happ--" she wasn't able to finish the sentence since he smacked his lips against her, but she didn't kiss back. She was still angry so she pushed him away. "What the hell?"

"That's what you wanted, wasn't it? Attention and love?"

"What the hell is wrong with you, Malfoy? I can't deal with this right now," she walks away angry, leaving him behind. 

"I'm sorry, it's for the better, love," he quietly tells himself out loud, not sure if he actually believes it.

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