Waterfall (Angst)

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Warning: Slight smut

"You lost the bet, so you have to!" I reminded Legolas.

The two of us came to a waterfall in a clearing, somewhere in the forests of the Woodland Realm. The afternoon light cast a golden glow on the leaves, and added sparkles to the water.

His laughter quieted in realization. "Oh, no."

I giggled at his flushed face. "Well, go on, do it."

Earlier that day, before he and the other soldiers had been sent to capture the dwarves, he and I made a bet on whether or not Thorin would refuse a deal with his father.

However, right now, Thranduil didn't know that we were off alone. And that we were secretly also together, despite the fact that I'm half-Elf, half- Human.

Angelic Elven face, with Human ears. I've been gifted with the tall stature, but not the grace and swiftness of them.

Knowing Thranduil, he would never approve.

The King's son glanced at me, pouting. "Can you join me too, at least? Not like that, but just to be with you, right now?"

He was kind, smart, strong, and gentle. And ever the gentleman.

"No. You lost the bet, Legolas."

With a sigh, he unlooped his belt around his waist, and then slipped his green tunic over his head.

My mouth went dry. Seeing the taut abdomen and the hard muscles flexing as he tossed it aside.....

If I had any bravado before, it's gone now.

Next were his boots, and then his pants. A gentle smile graced his lips. "Still don't want to join me, my love?"

My face burned. "No."

Even though we'd had sex a few times, the fact that he's actually stripping naked, here in the forest, is crazy.

But the greenery is thick, so we shouldn't be too worried about being seen.

After he discarded the last piece of clothing, he reached up and undid his braids. Thick blond hair fell over his shoulders and chest, not a strand out of place.

Then he turned and dove cleanly into the water.

I watched him. He cut across the water smoothly, given his Elven grace.

Why are all of them so fluid when they move? I sighed inwardly.

I lose track of time, due to listening to the birds and the light splashes of my lover. The sun is now burning into my skin, but I don't feel warm enough to want to swim. The sound of waters rushing over is soothing. Soon he swims to me.

Perching his arms on the edge of the bank, he beckons to me to come close.

I do, until our faces are a few inches from each other. I'd taken my boots off and had rolled up my pants, so I could dip my feet in.

He comes in between my legs, and I press my knees on either side of his hips. "I love you, Y/N." He breathes.

I cup his face and kiss his cheek tenderly. "And I you, love."

Eyes closed, he lets me kiss and brush my lips on his jaw, and cheek, before setting my mouth over his.

We kiss, long and soft and sweet, just the two of us in this world.
Sometimes I wish it could be like that for real.

"My father would never allow this." He scowls before adding, "But love has no boundaries, right?"

Holding his hand, I lay my forehead on his and shut my eyes. "You would think. But not when it comes to him and people who are mixed."

"You're more than that to me, don't ever think like that."

A/N: Sorry this is so bad! I had no motivation but I wanted to put something!

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