NSFW Alphabet

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Legolas will hold you close and kiss you gently. Sometimes he'll run a bath for you and then take a shower before joining you in bed.

B-Body Part

I think he would like his hands, since he can do a great deal of damage with them (using his bow and arrows).

On you, he loves your waist, how he can easily slip his hands around it and hold you close.


He prefers to come inside you or on your stomach, I don't think they had protection in Middle Earth!

D-Dirty Secret

He secretly wants to do it with you in front of everyone, just to show that you're his.

But he also loves when you two have privacy, so...

E- Experience

Being a prince, and constantly on duty, not to mention that they don't really talk about him marrying someone, I don't think he would have a lot. Maybe he might know the basics, and do what feels right. He knows what he likes, and he's very observant, so that's an asset.

F- Favorite Position

Any position where he can see your face.

G- Goofy

I feel like he wouldn't be too into making jokes, I feel like he would smile occasionally, but never really crack a joke or two. He wants you to know he is completely captured by you.


He trims it occasionally, just so it's not too long

I- Intimacy

Hand holding, and compliments are expected. He'll whisper "I love you," or "You're so amazing, Y/N."

If he has time, he'll scatter a few flower petals but, for the most part, doesn't really do that aspect due to his schedule.

J-Jerk Off

Maybe at night, if he has the time and if he's not too exhausted from his duties. I would give it once or twice a day, at most.


Hair pulling
Wax Play


Anywhere, as long as there's a chance you won't get caught.

When you whisper something dirty into his ear
When you tease him with your hands under the table
If you wear something that shows a bit of cleavage, his mind is screaming at him that this is not the place, nor the time

Anything with blood, urine, or poop
(Seriously, those kinks are disgusting to think about, honestly!)
Anything involving knives or swords


He loves giving, and seeing your reactions gets him going and makes him feel so proud.
He doesn't mind receiving, either.

P- Pace

He usually goes fast, since he doesn't have a lot of free time in general. If he has the time, though, he'll take all night and kiss and love you slowly and sensually 😏.

Most of the time, you both have quickies, since he's a busy guy. Usually they take place in a small storage room in the castle, or behind a tree or boulder.

Again, he's a warrior, he'd have to take a few risks here and there. And he does mostly quickies, so there shouldn't be too much surprise that he would want to.

Legolas obviously has excellent stamina, being fit and having to attend to duties all day, not to mention any enemies he runs into, he would have to be able to fight for long periods of time. He can go up to fourty-five minutes, and two rounds, tops. Four rounds though, if he's really frisky.

I doubt they have 'toys' in Middle Earth, but ropes and candles, sure. (If those even count)

Teasing is his middle name! He loves seeing you frustrated at not being able to climax, and it gives him power and authority that he can control it when he likes.

Grunts and gasps are mostly what you'll get out of him. He loves to hear you, and the sound of your moans drive him insane.

W-Wild Card
You sucked him off at a dinner party, after dropping your fork under the table. You'd been needy for him because you didn't spend a lot of time together. (But you knew what you were signing up for when you dated him). He'd gripped the chair and your hair harshly as a warning to stop, and boy, did he try to not grunt loudly.
That night, oh man, he was relentless with you, taking you in several positions and rough motions.

He'd be about average length, but his girth is something to look out for. It gives a really nice stretch.

He's fine if it's three times a week, you can't really do it alot because of how busy he is, but he'd rather be doing it rather than little to not at all.

He takes about twenty minutes to fall asleep, but if the sex was rough and he was doing the work most of the time, he'll stay awake for another five minutes.

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