Chapter 1

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As the notification sound from his pocket dings, Frank swiftly gets out his phone. In his gloved hands, he shifts it and cocks his head at the newly received message from his boss.

The message reads clearly, his self-collected information of Jake Bressler composed into a file. If he wasn't wearing a mask, he would be frowning deeply. What could have an innocent teenager like Jake done to have upset his boss?

Doesn't matter, Frank thinks to himself. This is just another job, nothing to question, just another target to execute.

Frank zooms into the pictures some more to get a proper look at his target. He can't help but notice the rather, off-putting and bushy brows of that stupid, smirking teen. He stares, then lets a silent sigh escape from his lips.

Once again, Frank reached into his suit pocket and felt a thin paper between his gloved fingers as he pulled it out. It's a photo. Five people occupy it, smiling at the camera. Standing right in the middle was a small boy with platinum-colored, slightly curled hair and a genuine, ear-to-ear grin plastered on his face, cheeks raised with a rose-colored tint. Gently, the boy cupped his hands, holding a pure, white bunny. The boy had kind eyes.

Occupying the places on either side of the aforementioned small boy, were two adults. One woman with long, curly brown hair and a man with blonde, short but straight hair.

His family.

Frank stuffed his phone and the picture back into his suit pocket and pulled his sleeve up to reveal his watch instead. A cyan logo in the form of a laying '8' flashed as it booted up, ticks sounding from it.

His shoes gave a light clack as he stepped out of the train, people rushing past him. He raised his chin up from looking down at his watch. Frank pulled his sleeve down, covering his watch and made his way down the train station towards Subway City.

"Y'all wanna head to Molly's now? I'm hella starvin'." Jake groaned as his stomach did simultaneously. He pated it lightly with a sympathizing face and looked over to Tricky, Yutani, and Fresh, who followed.

Fresh was about to make a comment on Jake's constant whining, but Tricky spoke up first; "Sure! I'm feeling hungry too," She gave a slight shrug, "I literally shoved down as much food as I could in a grand total of half a minute before rushing out to meet you guys at the skate park. All in all, not that much food." Tricky trailed off, gazing off as Molly's came into sight. Yutani chuckled, side-eyeing the girl, "Classic Tricky."

Ignoring the two girl's chatter, Jake gave a heavy sigh of relief, practically rushing up to the diner's doors. "Hey, Molly!" Jake shouted as they took their usual seats. He leaned over to the side, watching as the robot came rolling down.

They ordered their meals and Jake finally leaned back into his seat, though the eager look on his face didn't fade yet. Not until he gets his fries and ketchup. His stomach gave another rumble just as he thought about the food.

The door chimed as another person-now a customer- steps into the diner. Jake raised to stand on his tip-toes as he gazed over the heads of the people sitting at their tables. A strange person with a suitcase and bunny mask had entered. Jake couldn't help but raise a brow at his strange attire, but then again, Yutani sat next to him in a wannabe alien costume.

He lowered to sit back on his seat, Molly arriving with their goods. Jake barely keeps his mouth from watering, completely forgetting the strange person now. What can he say? Fries.

As Jake and his friends continue to devour their meals, Frank raised his chin over the menu he had been holding this entire time. Head cocked slightly to the side, he watched his target silently. Those bushy brows really do annoy him.

Frank x Jake | Subwaysurfer (Crack? But also not?)-Fic[OLD]Where stories live. Discover now