Chapter 2

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Jake held his phone near his ear, his other hand clinging to his skateboard, approaching Molly's. A few voices were heard from his phone, but Jake didn't pay much attention until he talked;

"Ugh, Mrs. Gallagher assigned me to get some kinda tutoring with that new kid." Jake heaved, eyes narrowing a tad as he watched Molly's come into sight.

"That's rough, bro." Fresh said with a hint of sympathy in his tone. There was the sound of rolling, then a halt stop and some clacks. Seems like Fresh got to Molly's before him.

Soon Jake reached Molly's too, getting off his skateboard and pushing the door open while a bell chimed above him.

As he approached his usual seat at the back of the diner, he spot another person sitting with Fresh. Brown hair, light eyes— wasn't that the new kid from school? Flynn? Finn? Did Fresh invite him, or something?

Sitting down on his seat, Fresh noticed and gestured to him, interrupting his conversation with Finn, "And that's Jake. Yutani and Tricky are gonna come soon, did you meet them yet?" He asked, to which Finn shook his head. "Doesn't matter. Jake, this is Finn, he's new to our school and I saw him sitting on our usual seats so I just invited him to hang out with us. You ok with that?" Fresh asked.

"Sure." Jake said. Once again, Finn was wearing a slightly more formal than casual outfit. Jake raised a brow, tilting his head as he asked, "Where you homeschooled or something, Finn?"

Finn raised his brows, stilling for a moment before nodding, "Yes.. I was homeschooled." He answered quickly.

The bell chimed and the chatter of Yutani and Tricky was heard. Jake stood on his tip toes and gazed over the customer heads, eyeing Tricky and smiling. They approached and sat down, ordered and started chatting some more.

Fresh took a bite out of his burger, 'mhhhhm'-ing and dropping his shoulders. After a moment of silence, he wiped his mouth and looked over to Finn. "So, Finn," He addressed, "Homeschool, mh? What's it like? Cool? Boring?"

Finn looked over the teenagers. All their eyes were on him, to which he cleared his throat and corrected his posture. Great, now how was he supposed to know about homeschool? Let alone anything related to a school in general? He had been in something like an academy, trained and taught with extreme pressure.

Having to keep his front as the now 'new, before homeschooled kid' up, (Frank knows that the more words this front's name would have, the more difficult it would be to manage), he answered, "Just like your school, but at home and with nobody else."

The teens all gave a few, understanding nods. Finn stayed still, watching and silent. They stared at him like they expected to hear more, but then Tricky finally shot him a new question. "Do you have one teacher or multiple teachers?" She asked.

Frank knew that the moment he would seem unsure and confused, his front would be blown. So even if his answered might not be correct, he had to show the most confidence he could. Thank all his training for this since the needed fake-confidence came easily.

So, with that in mind, Frank answered quickly, "Multiple teachers. Everyday is a different subject, so one teacher per day." He said calmly, not showing how unsure he was if the statement was correct in the first place.

Yutani raised a brow at that, opening her mouth to say something but then shutting it again. Frank looked over, keeping his face blank. It wasn't much of a task, really. Wearing a mask for years while on his jobs almost made him forget to express his face instead. Although Yutani looked puzzled, she didn't say anything. He wondered if she knew what he said was incorrect.

"Wait, so how does that work? Do they just.. drive to ya home or..?" Jake finally asked. His friends looked to him, then over to Frank, who raised his brows just a bit. He then nodded wordlessly, not wanting to elaborate too much since Yutani was watching and listening closely to him ever since she had caught him.

Frank x Jake | Subwaysurfer (Crack? But also not?)-Fic[OLD]Where stories live. Discover now