Chapter 5

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It's warm nearby. Frank shifted to get closer to the feeling, though it was out of reach. He reached his hand out and—

"Hey, Finn, ya gotta wake up man." Someone was shaking his shoulder lightly, Frank furrowed his brows and tried to turn away. "My mom's tryna call your parents, you gotta help me convince her bro."

Ah. Frank remembered that he wasn't at his apartment. He was at Jake's home. With that, he sat up and rubbed at his eyes, blinking the drowsiness away before eyeing Jake, who looked mildly panicked.

Looking over Jake's shoulder, his mom stood in the doorway with her phone, typing something before looking up.

"Good morning." She still had a sweet tone of voice, even though she clearly wanted something. "Now that you're awake, would you mind telling me your parent's number?" She asked.

Frank blinked twice, then shifted his gaze to frown at Jake. Jake bit his lip, mumbling a 'sorry' before stepping away. Frank sighed-internally-, before standing up and approaching Jake's mom.

"Miss, did Jake tell you about my parents?" Frank asked, looking up and tilting his head to the side just a bit. Just to add that extra childish 'cuteness', he scratched his chin for a moment.

Jake's mom shook her head, "He told me that they were strict and you didn't want me to call them, but Finn, I understand that—" Frank held up a hand as a gentle 'stop' motion, to which Jake's mom interrupted herself.

Frank was just about to speak and name his points, but then Jake came up, still looking as nervous as before. "Mom, I didn't tell you this but it's my place Finn passed out in the first place! You can't call his parents— They're strict, way too strict—"

Frank sighed, glancing away with furrowed brows, "I'm in trouble anyway. They must've noticed I didn't come home yesterday... Calling them will just make the inevitable worse" He mumbled loud enough for both of them to hear, yet his tone dripped with plastic hopelessness.

Jake and his mom stilled, staring in surprise. Frank made eye contact with her again, fumbling with his shirt. „... T-They're not just strict." As if it was the cherry on top, Frank held his arm as if it was hurting. Or it had hurt. He looked away, biting his lip.

Jake's mom was silent for a few seconds, processing, sympathizing, contemplating, and... She turned her phone off. Success. He hadn't expected anything else from her. Jake's mom would never call his parents if it meant she could cause harsher abuse. (Even if she wasn't the direct cause in that sense) Nonetheless, Frank wondered if she saw through the lies and just didn't wanna risk it, or actually believed him.

The woman eyed Jake for a moment, then looked to Frank again. He understood that she may not have a way to respond in a way to help his front, she barely knew him. That didn't change anything else but that, though. Nodding, she said, "Okay. I won't call them."

Jake couldn't help but smile, probably refraining from punching the air in joy. In contrast to Frank, Jake had absolutely no filter, so he was still smiling rather generously.

"Yes! Thanks, mom! You're a lifesaver for Finn!" Jake exclaimed, then turned to look at Frank for his reaction. Frank didn't let his facade drop entirely, so he only gave Jake a slightly pained smile.

"Thank you, Miss," Frank mumbled, then turned around. "I'll go get my backpack and head home now. Thank you for letting me stay."

Jake's mom smiled, "Of course, I love to help." She said and looked to Jake. "Go get dressed, school starts soon." Jake nodded and disappeared into his room.

Frank x Jake | Subwaysurfer (Crack? But also not?)-Fic[OLD]Where stories live. Discover now