Chapter 8

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Jake finished typing a message on his phone, swiftly hitting the send button with his thumb and watching as his mom typed back. He smiled and pocketed it. Thankfully, this meant his mom wouldn't worry about him while he was out with Finn.

He shifted his backpack strap, tightening it around his shoulders. The afternoon sun was shining strongly onto the school yard today, so Jake kept his head bowed while he watched the feet of students as they strolled out from the school and through the open gate that he was leaning onto.

"Jake?" Said person rose his chin, narrowing his eyes a bit as the sun shone from behind Finn. Huh, he hadn't even heard him coming. Weird.

"Heya Finn," Jake greeted easily, smiling a bit whilst trying his best to keep from squinting. He leaned off the gate, turning to go through. "Let's get going, I know a good place."

There was silence for a few beats, then Finn caught up to his side and tilted his head with a confused look, "For.. what?" He asked, but left him no time to answer, "What are we doing?" He added.

Jake couldn't help the smile from curling onto his lips. He huffed lightly, shrugging. "It's a surprise, you'll see." He answered, not making any eye contact. Instead he stared forward and continued smiling into the distance.

Finn blinked twice with slightly bigger eyes, then narrowed his eyes as if he was silently trying to figure it out. "...Oh, er, alright then." He mumbled and continued following after him.

Jake smiled a bit more, looking over his shoulder to eye him. He nudged Finn's shoulder, "Hey, I know that look. Don't try to figure it out, just let yourself be surprised. Not like anything's gonna happen." Jake shrugged, watching Finn.

Finn glanced up to the sky, smiling as he was caught in the act but obviously trying to hold it back, which just made Jake smile more. "Okay, fine. It's a surprise, no thinking." Finn clarified for himself, lightly brushing over the spot he had nudged earlier. "Now you're making me curious though."

"Sad fate." Jake said and indifferently shrugged his head with closed eyes, the smile still stretched across his lips as he to led the way. He rested his hands in his pockets and sped up his pace for Finn nonetheless.

The afternoon sun still shone- just slightly dimmed by some light clouds now-, when they reached the yard. Jake maneuvered his way through the hole in the wooden fence after pushing his backpack in head front. He dusted his pants off and slung the backpack onto his back again.

"Need help?" Jake asked, eyeing Finn. Finn didn't look back, focused on getting his foot through the hole first. He lightly shook his head, "No thanks, I've got it." Finn mumbled, climbing through.

"So... Will you now tell me what we're here for?" He asked, eyeing Jake with a curious glint in his eyes. Or maybe it was just the sun, same difference.

Jake raised a finger as a motion for 'wait', then slung his backpack from his shoulder and set it down on the ground before him. The smile from earlier crawled back onto his lips as he kneeled down and rummaged through the backpack, excitement already bubbling up in his chest.

He felt Finn's prying eyes on him as he finally pulled out three cans. Spray cans. "You said you never really made any art, right?" Jake tilted his head back to watch Finn's reaction, "I thought maybe this could be your first."

Finn blinked twice, staring down at the 3 cans of spray paint. Jake had brought black, magenta and blue. Finn's eyes wandered up to Jake's again, a reluctant look on his face.

Frank x Jake | Subwaysurfer (Crack? But also not?)-Fic[OLD]Where stories live. Discover now