Chapter 4

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Frank sat on the couch, his hands resting stiffly on his knees. They twitched, but he didn't focus on that enough to stop it. Instead, he stared at the wall on the clock, which was dimly lit by the first morning rays casting through the window.

He reached up to adjust his tie, only to find that he was still stuck in that ridiculous front of a high schooler outfit with large, squeaky sneakers.

The organization had strict rules. One of those rules was to never befriend your targets— it was quite obvious as to why, of course. Targets were to be terminated.

And Frank never went against the organization's rules.

Having been taught manipulation, persuasion and human psychology in the academy, it was so easy to simply trick Jake into believing that they were friends. But they weren't actual friends, at least not by Frank's view.

So, no, Frank knew he hadn't stayed because Jake tried to guilt trip him into it earlier. Frank had just been... distracted. Yes, distracted.

But it was time to go now. Instead of staying here, he could've been at home; planning, getting more information, scratching ideas, coming up with new ones.. But no, instead he had slept at his target's home.

Frank rose to his feet, pulling the blanket off and neatly folding it before setting it away. Another glance to the clock revealed the time to be 5 in the morning. Frank was long over-due to get going. He hauled his backpack straps over his shoulders.

Trying the door, Frank found it to be useless. It was locked and he couldn't find the key. He assumed Jake's mother must've taken it into her bedroom. He didn't know the layout of the house, so going to get it would be riskier than disappearing through a window.

As Frank was prying the window up and open, there was a light click sounding from the side of the room. He looked over, still and watchful.

Jake stepped out and rubbed at his eyes, narrowing them confusedly when he spot Frank. "Oh, hey? You're awake again?" He asked under a whisper, approaching. Frank stayed silent, staring and adjusting his backpack strap.

"You know, you shouldn't open the window fully. It's gonna get windy inside'n stuff.. Won't be so nice to sleep in." Jake mumbled off handedly and reached over to pull the window halfway down. Frank still held it up though, staring as if he wasn't really there.

"Uhm?" Jake asked, raising a brow. Frank looked to the window, raised his own and let go, fumbling with his hands together a bit. "Sorry." He muttered and stepped back a bit, but kept his face blank.

Jake shrugged, pushing it down half-close before turning around and leaning against the wall. He relaxed a bit, then looked to Frank.

Silence... Then Jake frowned. "Wait.." He started quietly, pushing to stand normally and approaching. "You have your backpack.." Jake continued, stepping to the side to look at said backpack with the same frown. Then he looked to Finn, who stayed blank-faced.

"You weren't trying to open the window... You were trying to leave." Jake realized. His shoulders slouched. He was about to speak up again when—

Frank fluttered his eyelids and let his head hang a bit, glancing off to the side. He was frowning, his eyes appearing glassy by the dim morning light reflected. "I.." Frank started.

There was a single sniffle, and then he wiped at his eyes and half-heartedly corrected his posture, eyeing Jake again. He couldn't even stop frowning.

"I-I can't let your mom call my parents." Frank mumbled, his hands fumbling with the hem of his shirt. "They-They'll be so mad at me.. You wouldn't - know... It scares me- They scare me."

Frank x Jake | Subwaysurfer (Crack? But also not?)-Fic[OLD]Where stories live. Discover now