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"Fuck! What happened?" Nicolas slowly opens his eyes and tries to sit up.

"You passed out. Are you okay?"

"I don't think so. I had this crazy hallucination that my boy said Helena was alive. That's not possible."

"Yes, Papá. I can't say for sure because I've never heard her voice. But she sounded sincere and sad. My gut tells me it was her."

"Fuck!" Nicolas staggers from the couch and paces, shouting in Spanish. I can only catch a few words here and there, but he's not a happy camper. I mean, who would be discovering that the love of their life they thought was dead somehow isn't after twenty-nine damn years. I mean, talk about tragedy!

"There's no way they could've kept Helena hidden this long from me without torturing her. She's so high-strung she would never abide by anyone's rules."

"What are we going to do about it, Papá?"

"Fuck! I don't know. I need to get back to the house right away and figure out my next move. This shit is fucking with my thought process. Meet me there?"

"Of course." Nicolas books it out of the now broken down door so fast I barely have time to blink.

"Fuck, this is blowing my mind." I let out as Myles flies around the room and gathers his things. He stops and looks around before grabbing my hand and pulling me to the door.

"Are you okay?"

"I just want you to know that whatever happens next you're the best thing that's ever happened to me, Aurora."

"Why does that sound like one of those cheesy goodbyes?"

"You're walking into this world with a blindfold on. I just want you to know how much you mean to me in case anything ever happens to me."

"Nothing is going to happen to you, Myles. I won't allow it." I bring my hand to his cheek as he leans against it, kissing my palm. The serious look on his face tells me he's truly fearful of whatever is going to happen next.

"I appreciate your courage, but you don't know this world as I do. These people are monsters and capable of things you can't even dream of, Aurora."

"I can handle it. Don't worry. You'll get worry wrinkles all over that pretty little face of yours." I pinch his cheeks to lighten his mood.

"I love you, Aurora. It still blows my mind to be able to say those words and have you here with me and I just want to thank you for allowing me that privilege. "

"The privilege is all mine, Myles. I love you too..."


"What if we pay one of their guys to give us inside information? We can work our magic and persuade one of them I'm sure. You know we got the money." Julian lets out.

"What the fuck? And you're supposed to be the smart one out of us." Felipe snaps at him shaking his head in utter disappointment.

Nicolas smacks Julian upside the head. "What the fuck, boy! Were you just born yesterday? We don't stoop to their level. We're the toughest motherfuckers around here. We need to be better at the game than them. Besides, I'm already two steps ahead of you fools."

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