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As we walked home, I still had Mark in my mind. He doesn't usually ignore my texts. I can't figure out what I did wrong. 

"Baby, do you know why Mark is angry at me?" 

"Is he mad at you?"

"I don't know he didn't text back" 

"Did you guys have plans for tonight that you forgot about?" Renjun asked me.

Oh shit.

I totally forgot our game night was tonight. I mean he would understand, right? It's my first date night with Renjun, he won't be mad, I'll just explain it to him when I get home. 

"Yeah I just remembered something" I replied.

"Well let's go home quickly so you can talk to him!" 

He is so cute, the fact that he doesn't mind it makes him so adorable. 

"It's okay, I'll talk to him later, lets just enjoy our date for tonight alright?" I said smiling at this little guy.

Renjun saw an icecream shop and literally ran over to the shop as fast as he could. "Come on haechan hurry up!!" He kept shouting at me. 

We ordered two icecreams, one with tuttifrutti and the other with chocolate. You can guess who ordered the tuttifrutti. I payed for the icecream even though Renjunnie insisted, but I wouldn't allow him to pay for me since i'm opposed to be 'the guy' in our relaitonship.


I got inside our dorm and tried to find Mark Hyung. He wasn't home? where was he? "Johhny Hyung do you know where Mark Hyung is?" I asked Johhny Hyung. 

"Yes he's in the studio, he is a bit sulky so watch out" He yelled across the room. I ran to the studio and he was right. He was rapping but I couldn't hear him since the walls are soundproof. I knocked at the door and he opened the door. "What," he asked me. 

"Jeez you don't have to sound like a 50-year-old man" I laughed trying to lighten the mood a bit - that didn't work. 

"Haechan go if you're here to joke around" 

"What do you mean? why are you so mad at me? I know I forgot about our game night, and I'm sorry okay?" I said to him looking worried because he's usually not like this.

"Never mind" 

"No Mark Hyung look at me, I'm sorry man, I forgot but you know it was my first date with Renjun, you gotta be happy for me." I snapped. Why isn't he happy for me? 

"Yes because everything is about Renjun since you guys got together, you've been ignoring me all day, and yet you want me to be happy for you?" He hissed back. 

"Mark I can't believe you, why are you so salty about Renjun?" I asked him

"You wanna know why? well, let me tell you. You can't see that I've been in love with you for so fucking long, all you talk about is Renjun of course I get jealous" He broke down.

I was shocked. Did Mark hyung like me? why didn't he tell me? 

"I.. I'm sorry I don't like you back," I said to get it out straight. 

"Of course you don't, you're with Renjun." He said looking down. 

Wow. I don't know how I feel. He felt the exact same way I felt with Renjun, and yet I couldn't see it. I'm such a bad friend for always bringing up Renjun and never noticing Mark. 

"Never mind forget it," He said walking out of the studio. 

I wanted to go after him, stopping him and telling him that it's okay because I know how he feels. But my body was still in shock. 


ufff I said there would be a lot of drama with Mark....<3

 Vote and comment if you have any ideas!<3333

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