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Destiny brings out the most of us,

When we try to give up.

Creation hold on to us,

When we decide to show up.

let's try for bringing the best in our life,

To win the losses and to knot the light.

Difference are then to be put up,

When we try to make up.

Let's recall the past and bring out the best,

Which cannot be forgotten even if we try to forget.

Show the life how amazing we are,

And let's not hold on to behind.

We are the future of tomorrow and beginning of the new era,

Let's not be the cause of destroy.

From us we create others, and from others create the world.

We hold on to the next and the next hold on to the future.

Don't forget what had been there for you,

It had been there for awhile but not always.

Cursing your ability and desire,

For becoming what you are good centuries before.

Sinners will be punished for what they had done,

From becoming good to none.

So create yourself before you go on to others.

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