The Jester's World

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(Up above is her Phantom suit.but the colors are different.And she has a Mask.)

Shiho's POV.

Shiho was in the hospital after Her suicide attempt She was happy Y/n Saved her but she was mentally Exhausted.Ann Eventually left her and Let her rest.

Meanwhile in Shiho's Dream~

Shiho:Huh? Where am I? Is this a dream?

???:You can call it that if you want.

Shiho:W-Who are you?

Shadow.S:I'm you but Different in a way.

Shiho:What do you mean?

Shadow.S:I'm your Shadow,Your Other self.

Shiho:How Are you even talking to me? When were
you even Born.

Shadow.S:I was always here with you,You just never realized it.

Shiho:So what do you want from me?

Shadow.S:I want you to open your Eyes,To see a world you can't believe existed even if someone told you about it.

Shiho:Are you sure about me? I'm Not that special.

Shadow Shiho:Does Y/n or Ann think that about you?

Shiho:Ann doesn't.But I think Y/n Does.

Shadow.S:Then You are an Idiot.

Shiho:How So?

Shadow.S:You really don't know? That Y/n Fellow Kicked Kamoshida's Ass.

Shiho:He did What!?!?

Shadow.S:*blushing and Slightly aroused*and He
looked really Hot while doing that.He did that because You tried to kill yourself.

Shiho:He Really does care.

Shadow.S:Also I should tell you that,Y/n also has the Power you about to get.

Shiho:He does? So it means I'll finally get to be Strong,not just for me but For my friends Too.So how do I do this?

Shadow.S:you need to accept me as a part of you. Or Unleash Your spirit of Rebellion.

Shiho:How do I do that?

Shadow.S:Look deep down inside have duality you are a good girl on the outside but on the inside You are a bad Girl,Daddy's Little Monster.

Shiho:I will Cause Mayhem For my Puddin'.

???:Took ya long enough,Suzui.

Shiho:What Who are you?*headache starting*

???:You say that you want to cause mayhem for your Loved ones sake,Right?

Shiho:I did say it and I meant it.

???:Well your in luck that I'm in a Good mood.So let's Form a Contract."I am Thou,thou art I.Every jester needs A Fool,But You can Take a Stand and be Proud,Let yourself loose,Don't just be a good girl be The one who can Stand besides others In the Battlefield.Let your unrequited Love Destroy ALL OF YOUR DESPAIR!!!!"

Shiho:I hear you. Now let's go............HARLEY QUINN!!!!

Harley:So,Sugar How does it feel To be free?

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