Mysterious Happenings

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Hollie lay in bed that night. However, she could not get to sleep. The same went for her younger sister Ivy. You see, Hollie was worried. School reports were being sent home, and she was afraid hers would show the extent of the lies she had been telling her parents. Because Hollie was dyslexic. Her parents had no-idea; Hollie wasn’t close to her parents. Her sister, Ivy, had suggested that she lie to her parents about her grades, since her parents had always looked down on dyslexic children. Worried about what her parents would say if they found out, she had followed through on Ivy’s plan.

Six years had past, and Hollie had always been able to get rid of her reports. Hiding them in bins and other peoples (whom did not know her parents) rucksacks, Hollie had always been able to keep her secret. Until this year, when her school, Coalbrookshire Grammar school for seniors, had decided to send home the reports via mail, not via pupils.

Hollie had tried not to worry about her exam results, but even when she had tried clearing her mind, she still could not get to sleep.  Something kept her awake, something that Hollie might never find out what it is. All that you need to know is that this thing is very important, and it will affect Hollies’ past, present and future.

Just then, Hollie heard a scream. Not a loud scream, more a moan. It was coming from the house in the middle of the street, number 27. It was coming from the house which resided the mad old scientist, Dr. Wendell. Hollie stumbled to her window, and looked outside, to see that the old man, although it was gone midnight, still had his kitchen light on.

“How odd,” Hollie thought out loud.

Now at the moment you are probably wondering if Ivy heard the scream than was more like a moan. Well Ivy was not awake for the same reason as Hollie, but all the same, she did hear the moan. She too went to her bedroom window and looked outside. Darkness was all she could see apart from a pair of large, emerald green eyes, shining through the black light...

Whilst Hollie and her family were in bed asleep, or in Hollie and Ivy’s case out of bed and awake, Percy was also in his room. He too could not sleep. Like Hollie, he lay in his bed, looking at the patterns in his ceiling. His mind was filled with heartbreak. Forlorn drenched his mind as he remembered his late mother. Earlier today she had died of a heart attack. What had caused this attack, no one knew. Percy was grieving for the loss. Alone, since his father was at the hospital, by his dead mothers side and refusing to leave, Percy was feeling rather melancholy. He did not want to stay up, for if his mother would have been alive, he would have been in bed and asleep by now.  He did not want to make any changes to his normal routine; it would remind him that his mother was gone.

Around half-past twelve, Percy got out of bed and walked downstairs to the open plan kitchen-diner-lounge. He got himself a glass of water and began to drink it. He took comfort in the icy water rushing down his neck. Trying to focus on all his other feelings took his mind off the dreadful event that had just occurred.

Then, Percy heard it. Outside, coming from house number 27 there came a scream. Not a blood-curling, hairs-standing-on-end type of scream, more of a moan. Looking outside Percy saw the light in number 27 was on.

“How strange,” Percy said to himself. Everyone knew that the person who lived there was unusual, but he always went to bed at sunset, no matter how early it was.

Dismissing the thought, Percy walked back up to his bedroom. Before he reached it, something caught his eye. In the window, facing the opposite direction to number 27, he could see something sinister. Through the darkness, two green eyes were shining.

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