Choice Alternatives

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If Henry replied 'To get my missions done better' it would have decreased his humanity along with having the rest of therapy be him being cold and emotionless.

If Henry tortured Jennifer more Henry would end up deciding to kill her with no emotion. This would decrease humanity in him along with the Captain kicking him out of base. This also means no lead on where the criminal organisation is along with Henry not allowed to to interfere with the mission.

If Henry went on to continue the mission, Ellie still gets a astronaut helmet from Jennifer but feel less hope about Henry becoming human again. This gives another decrease in humanity.

Depending on Henry's motivation from Chapter One. If he replied to do missions better, he will refuse to use the machine to fix him up as he would have assumed he can easily learn the right emotions to feel. If Henry's motivation was to feel again what happens when Henry is in the machine highly depends on humanity level. Obviously what you guys read was the good outcome of it but if Henry had a bad job constantly getting humanity level decreased the grey Stickman would have more energy and dump himself and Henry in the emotionless pit. It means you don't even get a choice on which pit to go into. If your humanity level is good you automatically win fight and get choice of which pit to go in. If you jump in the emotionless pit the grey Stickman tells you that he lied about learning new emotions as the emotionless pit turns out to make sure Henry will never be able to feel again. Both paths results in Ellie getting extremely upset making her blame Oscar. She waits for him to reveal where his boss is and when Oscar does reveal the proper place Ellie shoots him out of anger.

If you followed and went with Charles plan, Henry would have not died and the evil team gets forced to unhypnotise everyone and ends up getting arrested which would have opened up a more happy chapter instead of a funeral.

If Ellie gave up her life for Henry a different announcement would have been made along with chapter seven revolving around Henry instead of Ellie being upset. But Henry ends up committing suicide for Ellie anyway.
If Ellie killed herself for Henry it turns out no heaven or hell exists making Ellie's death pointless.

All your choices make up two keys to a good ending.
Henry's humanity and what plan you follow with.

All choices have lead to the Emotional Hero Ending.

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