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   As Jungkook walked to the throne room, he turned a corner and bumped into something hard, and fell on his ass. Apparently karma wanted to be a bitch to Jungkook today. Although he doesn't exactly know what he did wrong. Maybe it's cause he said he will make whats his face, the knight thing, life a living hell. Eh who really cares at this point. Jungkook then realized that he's been sitting on the disgusting, foot touched, dirty, floor, and has been for at least five minutes.

   He doesn't realize the person standing in front of him, nor the outstretched hand. So he struggles to stand up, by himself, grumbling about how karmas a bitch and stuff like that. He's also grumbling on how he will absolutely kill the person he bumped into. Because he's sure in all his zoning out, this person never said an apology. As he stands up, he finally meets the eyes of his reason for falling.

   It's the one and only Park Jimin.

   The man jungkook despises. Why may you ask? Mm, that's a very good question. Well maybe it's because Jimin isn't scared shitless of Jungkook, or maybe it's because Jimin looks damn hot or maybe, just maybe, because Jungkook has a crush on him.

   Just a tiny crush, don't take it too far. I mean, just think, the whole world is scared of you, and you wouldn't really like someone if they coward at any breath you take. So since Jimin is the only one not cowering in fear, and the only one that's actually genuinely nice to him, Jungkook has taken a liking to Jimin.

   Although he hates the fact that he likes Jimin. Jungkook, the cold ruthless prince, in love with a mere servant. His whole reputation would shatter. Everything he has worked for, everything he has earned, would be gone. Disintegrate into dust. Not only would he be in love with a peasant, he would also be in love with a male. Now that's something that would get him kicked out. Of course it's completely normal to love the same sex. But the kingdom never had an lgbtq Queen or king. Nor a prince or princess. They all grew up and married the opposite gender from other kingdoms that were royalty. So if Jungkook hit it off with jimin, the royal line would end. Unless they of course adopt.

   But no one in the royal, in ANY royal family's have done that. So basically what hes trying to say, is that the whole royal tradition, along with a rightful heir, would be broken. And jungkook would be that one who broke it. And then he would be a disgrace to the family, a burden, a mistake, an accident. He would be picked on, bullied, every worse possibility would happen to him, if he so as much gavee jimin a kiss on the cheeks. A servant and a male.

   Anyways, back to the situation at hand. Jimin is standing in front of him, smiling his million won eye smile, while Jungkook just got his clothes dirty. Oh yes, Jungkook is going to blow his ear off. 


Stream dynamite, and wish Jungkookie a happy birthday!! Purple u!! 💜

                                                                                                    Love, Nikki

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