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   Jungkook glares at Jimin, waiting for an apology. Of course in Jimins eyes, all he sees is a cute little bunny pouting at him.

   He still doesn't understand why everyone is so scared of the prince. He's a literal bunny. Cute doe eyes, round nose, thin lips, (not that Jimin was looking at Jungkooks lips for 10 minutes. Nope that definitely did not happen. Ever.) bunny smile.

   I mean who could pass it up if it was thrown directly in there face. So as Jungkook continues to ''glare'' at Jimin , Jimin continues to smile at Jungkook.

   ''Excuse you, I don't think I heard an apology coming from your mouth." Jungkook speaks.

   Jimin blinks and looks up, breaking from his facade, because he definitely wasn't day dreaming about the princes lips on his own.

   And yes, looks up.

    One thing Jimin absolutely hates about Jungkook is his height. Jimin is shorter than Jungkook and he despises it. Jimin isn't the tallest, and he just has to live with it. Upsettingly.

    "EXCUSE ME, WHERES YOUR APOLOGY, I HAVE SOMEWHERE TO BE YOU KNOW." Jungkook screams. "Settle down bunny, your the one that bumped into me, and where's Taehyung I have to tell him something. Wasn't he supposed to be by you. Oh, gotta go bunny, watch where your going next time." Jimin checks his watch, and hurries off.

   'D-d-did he just c-call me b-b-bunny?' Jungkook stutters in his head, beyond shocked to be given a nickname by his crush. 'KEEP IT TOGETHER JUNGKOOK' he screams at himself. He shakes his blushing head, and continues walking to the throne room. 'I am not a bunny.' He reassures himself.

   He goes over the conversation he had with Jimin, because for some reason he got a weird tingly feeling when he was called bunny, but he isn't a bunny. Although, it was a convo with Jimin, of course he is going to go over it again and again in his head.

    'Wait. Why was Taehyung in our conversation.' Jungkook then remembers that Taehyung was supposed to be by him. 'Fuck it, I'm already late.' Jungkook speed walks to the throne room. 


Heyyyyyyyyyyy. Sooooooooooooo. About the update, sorry it was not yesterday. But hey, at least I remembered to do it today. Yesterday was very stressful. Today is the beginning of school, for me, and yesterday we had to get ready and everything, passwords and usernames weren't working to get into the school website. So it was very chaotic, and through all the mess I forgot to update. So I am, very, very, very sorry. I also forgot to put a reminder on my phone, so that was also part of the reason 😅. Please don't hate me! Have a wonderful week and weekend! See u next week!! 

                             Love, Nikki ♡

Somebody commented on my post about oli London, my post wasn't that bad, it just said if he wasn't using BTS for clout, and/or not being extremely obsessed with jimin

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Somebody commented on my post about oli London, my post wasn't that bad, it just said if he wasn't using BTS for clout, and/or not being extremely obsessed with jimin. It got a lot of comments and stuff but this one stood out to me.

 It got a lot of comments and stuff but this one stood out to me

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My response 👆🏻

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