1. could you remember

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Dear Spencer Reid...

I'm leaving you this apartment to stay in while I am gone, which may be for a while. I'm going to be honest, the accident you were in was my fault. I could've done so many things to prevent what has happened to you, but it's too late to change anything now.

You used to know who I was. I don't want to make you confused, so I won't go into any particular detail about our relationship. I just want you to know that I will always cherish the time we spent together... I've never loved anyone like you before.

My heart aches to write this. I will never forget what we had. It's for the best that I spend time with my family. I can't live with you in Virginia right now, it would only hurt the both of us.

Thank you for everything, and have a great first day back at work.

Sincerely, yours.


You felt several tears dribble down your face as you finished writing.

You planned on coming back in one week. You wanted him to have time to adjust to the apartment without you there. You knew how overwhelming it would be for him to suddenly have a girlfriend that wallows around sobbing because he can't remember her.

Fucking tragic.

Well, it wouldn't be your normal life without a little bit of heart-being-ripped-out-of-your-chest-ness going down.

You folded the letter carefully and tore a piece of tape off of your roll, sticking it to the edge. You placed it on the edge of your desk to put on your shoes and wipe your tears, and then picked it up again. You left the study and sniffled as you passed through the living room, towards your suitcase. You stuck the letter on the back of the door and clicked the lock on the top of your suitcase handle, extending it upwards.

"Till we meet again, apartment 305." You chuckled at your statement. You'd be back soon.

But it felt like you were letting the past year go.

Chinese take-out every night, the janitor closet rendezvous, Hawaii, talking about marriage..

All down the drain.


Spencer unlocked the door to the apartment, pushing the door open with his foot. His arms were full of work files, his dinner, and two new books.

His books almost slid out from under his elbow as he made his way into the kitchen, but made it towards the counter before he dropped anything. He rearranged his items so they were neat, and walked back to the front door to close it.

As Spencer shut the door and hooked the lock chain across the upper side of the door, he noticed a beige piece of paper taped over the peep hole, about the size of a regular notebook sheet. He curiously peeled it off of the back of the wooden door and unfolded it delicately, admiring the neat handwriting. It brought an oddly familiar warmth to his chest.

"Dear Spencer Reid.." Spencer mumbled, shuffling to the couch as he continued to read. He relaxed on the plush cushions of the corduroy couch and pushed his glasses up his nose a little.

You used to know who I was.

Spencer's lip twitched.

I've never loved anyone like you before.

"Then why did you leave?" Spencer whispered to the letter, his grip slowly crushing the sides of the paper.

It would only hurt the both of us.

Sincerely Yours | 2Where stories live. Discover now