3. sweet home

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"It's Spencer, actually."

"Spencer. Hey." Your breath hitched. This time, the call was real.

"Hi.. Hotch called me and notified me that you were returning to your apartment.. Is this true?"

You could barely hear him over your obnoxiously loud heartbeat. "Uh.. Yes. Yes I am. But no worries! You can still stay at my place as long as you'd like."

You weren't sure if you were imagining this, but it sounded like he was smiling as he responded. "Thank you so much. I'm still trying to figure out this whole mess.. I mean- well.. You know."

The momentary relief vacated your body. Back to feeling like shit.

"Yeah.. You know, I'm glad you called. I was too hesitant to do so myself, and I've been spending a little time with my family."

"I understand. Family seems to be very important to you, all of the photos in your office.." 

Was he profiling you while you were gone? 

Classic Spence.

"You're right. I do love my parents a lot. Actually, my dad is the one who got me interested this whole field of study in the first place. He let me listen in on some of his criminology lectures."

"I did some casual research on some of his papers a few years ago actually... He's incredible. And not to go off topic or anything.. I'm not sure if I've been over to your place before, but I feel very comfortable here. I'm not sure why I said that.. Wow, I must've forgotten how to talk to girls."

Spencer making a joke? Maybe he didn't forget everything.

You laughed under your breath, feeling your heart skip a beat. "I'm glad you feel comfortable there. For now, think of it as home. Okay?"

"Okay. Where are you driving from?" The genuine curiosity in his voice was admirable.

"I'm driving from New York. It's pouring right now, not sure what it looks like over there."

"Hmm.. Let me check." Spencer paused and shuffled over to the window, lifting the sheer curtains to the side. "Oh wow, it's snowing."

"Perfect weather to return home in!" You groaned, placing your phone on your thigh so you could safely change lanes. 

He chuckled a little at your sarcasm, letting the curtain fall back to its natural place. "Don't worry, it's more of a light snowfall." 

You returned your phone to your ear and your lips quivered in a grin. "Ah.. My favorite. I won't mind it in the least, then." 

The two of you talked for a few minutes after that, and then he hung up to do some work. You briefly talked to your parents about your whereabouts, and reassured them that you were okay. 

The rain turned into snow, and time fleeted by.  

As you drove down your apartment building's street, the clock passed 10:00 pm. You wondered If Spencer had eaten dinner yet. You weren't hungry, but you wouldn't mind pretending to eat if he was. 

The aged black light posts illuminated the sparkling white blanketed street, which happened to be quite empty as well. Most of the shoppes on the other side of your apartment building were closed, but a few cute restaurants were still open. 

You reached the parking garage entrance and drove inside, easily reaching the area of your usual parking space. Spencer's car was in your spot, so you parked next to it. When you looked up from your keys in the ignition, someone by the elevator caught your eye. Spencer stood by the closed doors in a dark sweater and casual plain work pants. His hair was even again, but it was still fairly short compared to how long it used to be. Soft messy curls covered the tops of his ears, and swooped around his head. His cheeks and nose were a light blotchy red, as if he'd been waiting in the cool garage for at least 20 minutes.

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