2. hello?

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Incoming call - Spencer Reid...

You warily pressed the green accept call button, nausea rushing over you as you brought the phone to your ear.

"Hello?" You tried to sound somewhat normal, but your racing heart made your voice shake slightly.

"Hey, this is Spencer. I have your contact saved as.. Y/n?"


He hadn't called you by your name ever since the accident. 

It felt so different this time. 

"Y-yep. That's me. Are you having any problems with the apartment... Is- Is that why you called?"

Idiot. Why would he call about an apartment problem? He's literally a genius.

Spencer took a moment, pulling the phone from his face and looking back at your profile picture. "I-.. The apartment is great actually.. I just wanted to hear your voice."

Your heart thumped in your chest, and your lips faded from your nervous smile. "W-why... Um.. Why..?" 

"I don't really have a reason. Isn't that odd? I barely know you, but I couldn't help myself.. I needed to call you just to listen to your voice again."

You both shared a moment of silence. It was agonizingly loud. 

"I'm sorry... That probably sounded weird." 

You felt hot tears sting your eyes. Speak.. Come on, say something!

"Oh.. I-.. Wow." 

Okay, maybe say more. 

"It's not weird. I'm okay with that." You added, rubbing a part of your comforter between your thumb and forefinger. "I'll be back in town soon... So you won't have to call me forever."

Spencer chuckled softly, and stood from his seat at the kitchen island. "What if I want to call you forever?" He made his way to the couch, and flopped into its cushy center. 

The left side of your lips twitched up a little. 


You turned onto your side and leaned into the palm of your hand, your elbow propping you up. "Even when we're in the same exact room?"

"Y/n, I love you."

Wait.. What?

"Spencer.. What did you just say?" You murmured into the phone, waves of pins and needles buzzing across your body. 

"Spencer? Hello?" You spoke again, waiting for his reply. 


You heard your doorknob rattle, and you dropped your phone from your grasp. The overlapping folds of your comforter swallowed your phone as you rose from your relaxed position. 


The door swung open, and Spencer staggered into your room. 

You let out a mortified yelp as you met his gaze. He was covered in blood. 

His own blood. 

How was he even breathing?

Sharp ice flooded your veins as you watched the thick and dark drops of blood run down Spencer's neck and chest. Your stomach flipped as the dying light in his eyes shimmered over his tears. 

You stumbled off of your bed as you rushed towards him, just in time to catch him from collapsing on the floor. Your weak limbs caused you to crumble beneath his weight, and you clutched his bloodied body to your chest. 

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