chapter nine: Confrontations

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Bakugou's POV:

    The nerd slept with me that night, and to say I was alright with it would be an understatement. We had just gotten into bed and deku had already drifted off, clinging to me in his sleep. Not me though, I couldn't sleep so I played on my phone for a while. About an hour later, I feel Deku twitching in his sleep, I look over to see him sweating bullets and silently crying as he mumbled and twitched. I quickly sat up and shook him awake, his eyes shot open as he started to panic, he clung to my neck sobbing, Mumbling incoherent words. I held and rocked him as he calmed down, he fell back asleep before I could ask about his nightmare so I let it be for now and slowly drifted off with my bush-boy in my arms.

(The next day) 3rd POV:

     Nezu had just watched a recording of the fight against class 2A, and to say he was shocked would be an understatement. Two children, one of which wasn't even in hero school, had just beaten all of class 2A, some of the strongest students at UA. He needs this student at UA! But wait... What's his quirk..? Does he already go to a different hero school? Nezu thought realized nobody at his school knew the kid's quirk. He figured it must be a mind quirk, but that would put him at a disadvantage in fights... So how did this kid beat all of class 2A!?

    The next day Izuku was called to the  principals office despite not even being part of the school, he thought it was funny but decided to go anyway. (Btw it's Saturday) When he arrived he was told to wait outside, eventually he was let in by A mouse-rat-bear-man who he assumed was this so-called principal.

"Hello Midoriya, I'm Nezu, and I wanted to ask you some things! First, what hero school do you go to?"

"Um I don't go to hero school, you see... I homeschooled myself after middleschool because I was really ahead of everyone else, that also gave me time to train with Kacchan..!"

'Oh. wooowww.... Wait, is he is self trained too?' "Second question, are you self trained?"

"No sir."

"Third question, would you consider joining UA? If so, which course would you want?"

"Um, well, yeah of course! I guess... I think if I were to though, I would like the support course! You see, I created Kacchan's gauntlets, IknowyournotsupposedtousegearthatsnotmadebysupportcompaniesbutKacchanreallywantedyousethemandicouldntsayno- oh sorry I was rambling again..."

"It's fine, I understood every word! I'll have to ask if I can get you into the support course, if not we would love you in the hero course! Two more questions though... Are you constantly remaking his gauntlets everytime they break? And is that why he never lets anyone touch them and gets really mad when their broken? And... What's your quirk..?"

    Midoriya started to panic but quickly calmed down and muttered a quick response.

"What was that?"

"I'm...quirkless...please...don't judge..!" He finally stuttered out, he slowly raised his head to see a shocked Nezu.

"That's amazing! You managed to beat our best students without a quirk, with the help of Bakugou of course... But still!" Midoriya had a small smile emerging at his lips. Before he could respond to Nezu though, Nezu spoke up.

"I'll be seeing you at UA Midoriya!"

Izuku smiled largely at this before turning to leave, he opened the door but right before he left he turned  
"don't tell anyone please, it's still a finicky subject..."

"Of course!" And with that, Midoriya left the room.

Izuku's POV:

    As I headed back to Class 2As dorm room I met up with Kacchan.

"Oh hey Deku, I wanted to confront you in private about your nightmare last night but you were called to the principal before I could... What did Nezu want anyway?"

"Oh don't worry about the nightmare, and also... I may just be trying out for UA now..?"

"That's great you nerd! You always liked to come up with hero suits and shi-"

"Bad Kacchan!" I put my hand over his mouth, he knew I hated when he cussed.

"Sorry... NOT SORRY!" Kacchan ran off and I gave chase, we ran through UA grounds, the sunset on the horizon. Soon enough we came to a stop in front of the dorm rooms, laughter almost completely masking our tired pants for air.


Authors note: Ello! Sorry for the wait! This is one of my longer chapters, but expect more chapters around this length. There was a little OOC Bakugou in this chapter, but... Sorry, not sorry!

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