Balgruuf x reader

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"Welcome back (Yn)" Hulda said as i walked into the tavern. I made eye contact with her from the door and smiled. "The usual?"
"Yes please." I let out a airy chuckle as you walked to sit down at the bar. I noticed Balgruuf sitting in the back corner talking to a few people, and irileth sitting in the opposite corner staring daggers at anyone and everyone who got close to him. "Gods I'm tired."
"What's your story this time?" Hulda said as she put a cup in front of me.
"I took down a whole skooma trade in Riften today and for addicts they put up one hell of a fight." I took a drink smiled up at her. This was a normal exchange, she liked to hear little stories of mine, one of her favorites being when we caught odahviing in dragonsreach and farengar pissed him off. Got what was coming she always said. Mila and Lucia loved that story too. Thinking about her I scanned the room for Lucia, hoping to tell her that I would be home for a while and she could stay with me. I would adopt her if I didn't knew it would put a target on her back, especially with me being gone half the time, and having no spouse. I knew I could ask Lydia, and she would love to take care of a child, but I would feel awful asking her to take care of children for me. We went on adventures together most of the time anyway, as we had known eachother the longest and i trusted her.
"Lucia." I stood up, taking my drink with me and walking to the young girl. "I'm gonna be home for a month or so, if you want to stay with me." Her eye lit up, a massive smile spreading across her face.
"Really?!" She was always so excited, and surprised for some reason. I had been letting her stay with me for almost a year now, and she was always so surprised when I said she could. It was getting to the point that I was about to just give her a key and leave her some money.
"Of course! It's getting late though, have you eaten." She nodded.
I took her back to breezehome, and made sure she was settled before I went back. I was too awake to stay for very long, and Lydia was asleep aswell.

"I'm not having another drinking contest with you 'sam'" I laughed as I looked over at the man sitting next to me. "I had enough fun the first time getting married to a hagraven." He chuckled "go see uthgerd though, the blonde girl in the corner. She doesn't turn down a challenge." He gave me a thank you before getting up and walking over to the corner. I felt someone else sit next to me, and turned so see none other than jarl Balgruuf.
"So what kind of stories did you come back with this time?" He asked, clearly slightly drunk.
"Well, I watched two dragons fighting last week. That was interesting." I smiled awkwardly as I took a small sip of my drink.
"And how did that go?"
"Fairly well if I'm being honest. Odahviing smacked the other one against a mountain and the guards that were with me didn't understand why I was laughing." I paused for a moment "Riften guards Aren't used to dragons."
"Who is at this point?"
"How many drinks have you had?"
"I have no idea." I held back a laugh, noting that irileth was starting to make her way to us. Balgruuf took my hand and placed a few soft kisses to my knuckles. "But I'm not sure that matters much to me right now." My face turned red as irileth made awkward eye contact with me.
"Um... maybe do this when you're not drunk." I awkwardly muttered as I slowly pulled my hand from his.
"My jarl," irileth stated, "it's about time for us to be getting back to the palace"

I woke up with a mild headache, if I'm being honest I expected it to be worse than it was. I wasn't drunk the night before by all means, but I hadn't eaten or drank any water for the last 24 hours at least. I sat up and quickly got dressed. I chose not to wear any armor, as I was already exhausted enough from being dragon hunting for the past two months.
"My thane, someone is here for you." I heard Lydia yell down the stairs. I groaned as I grabbed an apple and put it in my bag.
"Coming!" I quickly ran a brush through my hair as I made my way downstairs. I paused his brush stroke as I made eye contact with Balgruuf from the door.
"I am so sorry." He sighed, a slight embarrassed blush spreading across his face.
"It's um- fine. You had too many drinks, I get it. You were honestly a lot better than most men. I'm happy it was you and not mikeal." I smiled at him as I continued brushing my hair, peeking my head around the corner to see Lucia reading on the bed in the room we set up for her.
"I know, but I shouldn't have drank that much."
"Agreed, but it happens to the best of us."
"Would you be interested in coming to dragonsreach for dinner tonight?" The question came out rushed, and the soft blush on his face spread to his ears. He didn't look embarrassed though, just a little red in the face.
"Only is these two get to come with me." I smiled, putting the brush down on the table and walking over to him.
"Of course."
"Then I guess I'll see you tonight."


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