Chapter 1

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"Kay! Hurry!" Shouted her foster mother from downstairs, currently in conversation with kays father.
After she kay found out he was bailed hope rose in her heart that she could leave the hell hole, soon crushed with the fact that she had to see her father again.

About a year ago Kay OD'd in her bedroom well home alone, she told the guys she quit taking the xans after the incident but she still needed to forget. Ruben was the one to find her lifeless body on the floor. Kay was quickly rushed to the hospital where all the lies unfolded, they found out she's been living by herself, no guardian lived close enough that she could go live with. Her mother never picked up her phone which didn't surprise Kay but soon she was sent to a foster home after being released from the hospital.
She let them take her not wanting to talk to any of the guys after that ,especially olan. Guilt took over her thoughts that day, not wanting to hurt them anymore she decided it was best to leave.
Not that it was her choice.

"Fuck off" Kay groaned as she threw the clothes she hung during the year back into the small suitcase, filling her backpack as well. Kay huffed in defeat as she grabbed her beat up skate board that leaned on the dresser, the only furniture in the room besides the bed.
Kay tried her best not to make herself 'at home' when it was the complete opposite.

She made her way down the Hall way where her father stood and her demon of a foster mom, people always said that foster moms where nice and sweet letting you into there home. Kay had other thoughts on foster moms that weren't very appropriate.

"Oh look there she is" Her foster mother said in her forced nice voice, smiling like a idiot Kay quickly brushed passed them taking her bags out the front door.

"Kay you ain't going to say bye?" Her father asks confused, following her out the door. Dressed in a loose black T-shirt and dress pants, on the sudden outfit change shocked Kay. Usually he wore a dirty holy shirt and some shorts that where a size too big.

"Bye" she pretty much whispered putting her bags in the back of the taxi her father took here.

Kay looked at the house seeing her step mother glaring from the front entrance, she shot her a smirk before getting into the back of the taxi. Leaving all the horrible memories left behind, no more arguments over boys being over in Kay's room, no more 'running away' which didn't last more then 30 minutes before the cops found her a took her back.

A old subway sandwich smell lingered in the taxi making Kay cringe, looking over at the driver who looked like he was 20 minutes away from dying.

"Sooo" her father said breaking the silence, rolling her eyes she looked out the window not wanting to talk about anything. Still mad at the fact that he went to jail and didn't leave anything to help her.

The air filled with the sound of hefty breathing from the taxi driver, Kay swore he escaped from the hospital leaving his breathing mask behind.

"I like the new hair" pointing out that her hair ended at the top of her shoulders now ,trying his hardest to get the girl to talk to him, getting a huff in response.

He groaned in frustration trying to keep calm and not lash out on the stubborn girl, waiting for the right moment to tell her. He needed her to trust him first, which was not going to be easy.

Time took over and before Kay knew it they stopped in front of her old house, her heart ached as all the memories took over her thoughts..

"Olan..." she realized that she would finally be able to see them, excitement soon turned into guilt. Kay thought it was better if she didn't talk to them, she only caused problems and there lives where enough for them, she didn't want to put more on there shoulder again.

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