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Seventeen years ago
Daisy Evans POV

"Lily, I cannot believe our kids are going to be in the same year. Two new Gryffindors joining the family!"

"It's wonderful, isn't it? They'll have a friend and be able to help one another."

"I'm glad, my first year was certainly tougher than most."

"You were a disaster, Daisy."

"There's no need to go in depth about it. I can't wait for the day they get their letters."

"Me too."
Six years ago
Daisy Evans POV

"Hey mum, I wonder if Harry got his letter this morning, it is his birthday after all."

"I'm sure he did, your aunt Petunia likely gave it to him."

"I miss him. It's been so long since I've been able to play with Harry."

"I know, but you'll see him at school soon. Just another week until it's time to go."

"I can't wait to be the newest Gryffindor of the family! Oh, and to play Quiddich! You're famous for it, it's only a matter of time before I play."

"Focus on your studies, school comes first."

"Of course, mum."

She ran off waving her letter through the air. It was exciting, getting her prepared for Hogwarts. I was also pleased that my nephew would be getting out of that wretched house. Apparently the court thought Petunia was more suited to raise Harry and gave him to her. Lily would have wanted me to have him, and I tried like hell. I think Petunia only took him to spite me.

We last saw him around Christmas time. She only lets us see him around Christmas and Easter, but Easter dinner was cancelled this year. Emery was dying to see him, they were best friends once upon a time. Neither of them liked Dudley, their other cousin... he wasn't like them and made them feel bad about their gift.

I had prepared her well, she would do just fine this year, I was nervous though. Voldemort killed my sister and her husband, then tried to take my nephew as well. Who knows what could happen if Emery walks the halls alone? It's not safe for her there... but it's less safe anywhere else. Dumbledore will protect her... we've already spoken on the matter.

I just hope she can make it through her life without having to fight off the worst wizard of all time.
Five years ago
Emery Evans POV

"Miss Emery Evans?"

Professor McGonagall called my name and I slowly walked up to the Sorting Hat. Harry had already been placed in Gryffindor, which I expect I will be too. She placed the hat on my head and it pondered for a moment.

"Oh, I see. Plenty of courage, an astounding mind, clever indeed, oh very strong. A difficult one you are... a thirst to prove yourself...better be Slytherin!"

My jaw dropped before the table could even begin clapping. Professor McGonagall lifted the hat off of my head and I slowly walked over to the Slytherin table. I sat down next to a boy with icy blond hair. He didn't say anything, just looked me up and down. The sorting ceremony continued and then the feast began.

"I always knew I would be in Slytherin, my family has been for hundreds of years."

The blond boy turned to me.

"What about you? What's your name?"

"Emery Evans. I actually was expecting Gryffindor, my family are all Gryffindors. I'm sorry, who are you?"

"Malfoy, Draco Malfoy. Obviously you're better them then. Who are your parents?"

"Daisy Evans is my mum, I don't know my dad."

"Daisy Evans, I know that name, got any older siblings who went here?"

"No, but my family is pretty famous. Voldemort killed my aunt and uncle, and almost my cousin."

"Please tell me you aren't talking about the Potters."

"Is something wrong?"

"Good God."

He rolled his eyes at me and turned to talk to some other boys in Slytherin. What a jerk! Was there something wrong with being an Evans in Slytherin? Oh God, I'm an Evans in Slytherin! My mum is going to be so disappointed! She told me my dad was a Gryffindor too (it's how they met), so why on Earth would I be in Slytherin. There must be some mistake.

This was going to be an awful seven years.

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