twenty six

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One week later
Emery Evans POV

Madame Pomfrey lifted my sedation a few days ago, and she was finally letting me leave today. Draco said he was going to come in a few minutes to come get me, part of me being allowed to leave was having someone who would practically babysit me.

"Ready to get out of here?"

"I was ready days ago, come on."

He helped me out of the bed and grabbed my things. I thanked Madame Pomfrey for her help before dragging Draco out of there. I was still a bit sore, but for the most part I was fine. Draco said Harry and his friends wanted to see me, so he helped me walk to meet them in the Great Hall.

When they saw me walk in, Hermione ran over to us and grabbed my hand, she was going to help me the rest of the way.

"I'll see you later," he whispered in my ear, then kissed my cheek.

Hermione and I joined the others, I was nervous to see them. Harry got up and gave me an awfully tight hug, I didn't tell him how much it hurt. Even Ronald got up and hugged me, it was incredibly awkward. I sat down next to Harry and the three of them told me what I missed.

It was a difficult week for everyone. There was a memorial service the day after and the Hogwarts express was delayed, it would leave next week. The professors wanted to keep everyone for an extra two weeks just to ensure all the students' safety. I wrote to my mum while I was in the hospital, she was thrilled to hear from me.

"Oi, Evans! Heard you went mad after almost killing Dumbledore, serves you right."

I turned around, it was Pansy. I never did like her.

"Scram or I'll have no problem doing it to you, Parkinson."

"Emery!" Hermione reached across the table and slapped my hand.

Pansy rolled her eyes at me before walking off with her friends, not that they actually like one another. They're sort of like her minions I guess. We talked for a little longer before Draco came back with my pain medication. I told Harry I needed to speak with him alone later on, he said he'd meet me at the Pitch. Draco helped me up and we walked back to the common room.

"Everything to alright?"

"Yes, I'm just glad to be walking around. Did you hear Pansy stopped to talk to me?"

"I think the whole Hall did, I'll kill her."

"Too soon."

"Yeah, I thought so. Let's go."

We hung out in his room for a while, I wasn't meeting Harry until later tonight. We laid on Draco's bed, not talking very much. I missed him while I was in the hospital. He visited me every day, but it wasn't the same as this.

"Hey, what are we going to do for the summer?" He asked.

"What do you mean?"

"Well, we haven't really talked about what's going to happen next week. Are we even... you know..."

"We can be."

"Well alright then."

"We can visit each other during summer holidays. You could come and meet my mom if you want."

His face lit up slightly.

"Wait, are you serious?"

"You don't have to, but I'm sure she'd like to meet the guy I almost died for."

"I never thanked you for that."



We talked about my mom for a while, Draco agreed to come and visit for a little while in the summer. I mean, he's already met my father and earned his admiration. My mother wasn't difficult to win over, the only problem might be the tattoo.

It was time for me to go meet Harry outside, Draco said he would walk me there. He carried me down the stairs even though I told him I could walk, I liked seeing him like this. He seemed happy, happier than he usually was at least. When we reached the Quiddich pitch, he kissed my goodbye and would meet me back here in an hour.

"Hey, we never got to talk about what happened last week."

"No, no we didn't."

"I know you watched the whole thing."

"Why would you protect him? Why would you kill for him?"

"It's a long story."

"We have an hour."

"You know how I've never met my father. Years ago, I heard him and my mother talking on the phone... his name is Caius Hawkins, and he's a Death Eater."

His expression changed slightly before nodding as if telling me to continue.

"Do you remember when that boy Cedric Diggory died?"

"It still haunts me."

"Well, that was supposed to be me. Voldemort was supposed to kill me that night to scare you into surrendering. My father begged for my life, and then he decided to kill Cedric instead."

"Stop lying."

"I'm not, you can ask my mother. Anyway, Cedric's death didn't hurt you enough, so he was going to kill me anyway... he still might. I met with Draco in a closet one night, he showed me his Dark Mark. I wrote to my mother to get information about my father, he told me that Draco was instructed to kill Dumbledore."

"Why didn't you just let him? You betrayed Dumbledore."

"I knew Draco wouldn't the able to do it. If he didn't, the Death Eaters would kill Dumbledore and then Voldemort would kill Draco and me someday soon. I thought it was better that two die rather than three. And... I love Draco, I didn't want him to do something he'd regret for the rest of his life."

"If Snape hadn't come... would you have done it?"


"I have to go."

"No, you don't. I need you understand why I did it."

"Oh, I understand plenty. You didn't want your boyfriend to be sad."

"Excuse me? I hope you realize I didn't come to that decision lightly. I almost died multiple times that night, Harry. I wrote goodbye letters, I was expecting not to make it to the end of my sixth year."

"You know Dumbledore was the only person I had left, and you were going to kill him. And you didn't say goodbye to me or your friends, you couldn't have been that prepared."

"You have me. I didn't want any of you to try and talk me down."

"No, I don't. I was trying really hard to be mature around the others because they forgave you far too easily, but I want nothing to do with you."


"Just stay away from me."

"Harry Potter, get your arse back here!"

He kept walking away, I didn't want to have to use magic, but he was not leaving now.

"Locomotor Mortis!"

Caught in the Common Room [COMPLETED STORY]Where stories live. Discover now