twenty seven

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His legs locked and he fell face first into the grass. He rolled over and looked at me in shock, his glasses were broken too.

"I didn't want to have to do that."

"You broke my glasses."

I pointed my wand at his face.

"Oculus Reparo."

The crack in his lens quickly repaired itself. He scowled at me before trying to get back up.

"Stay down and listen. I don't need you to forgive me, I honestly don't care. Dumbledore was going to die that night no matter who killed him, it was better someone he was comfortable with than a Death Eater. Did you really want the last person he saw to be someone truly evil? Even if he somehow managed to get away alive, the curse from the ring would've killed him. He asked Snape to kill him, you could hear it in his voice. You're just too blinded by anger and hatred to see it. Dumbledore would be disappointed in you Harry, you know that."

"Are you done?"

"Are you kidding me?"

I pointed my wand at him again, he covered his eyes.

"Look at me, coward."

He slowly lowered his hands and stared into my soul, he was really going to be a child about this.

"What would you have done?"

"Not killed him."

"You'd rather have yourself and him be killed?"

"If that meant not betraying him, then yes."

"Well I guess I misspoke. You're a coward and a fool."

"I'm not foolish for not wanting to kill someone."

"You are. You're saying you'd rather Dumbledore's last memory be a Death Eater, and not someone who truly cared for him."

"Someone who truly cared for him wouldn't kill him."

"That's the most incorrect you've ever been. His life would have been miserable and painful until he reached an unavoidable death. He would have been in agony for months until he died. Voldemort would have won twice, by Dumbledore being dead and corrupting a decent boy. You truly are an idiot, and in this moment, for the first time in my life, I'm not proud to be related to Harry Potter."

I walked off, leaving him on the ground. I was supposed to wait for Draco to come and help me, but I needed to make a dramatic exit. I also couldn't stand to look at him anymore. I understand him being angry, but Dumbledore believed in me, and I did care for him.

I hobbled back to the common room and noticed Draco sitting in his corner with a book. He looked up when he heard the door open, and ran over when he saw it was me. He helped me walk to the sofa, I probably shouldn't have walked that far alone. He sat me down and I started crying, I've been having a lot of emotions lately.

"What happened? Why didn't you wait for me to come help you?"

"I was going to *sniff* but Harry and I got into a fight."

"About what?"

"He's angry with me, said I betrayed Dumbledore and didn't care for him."

"Harry said that?"

"Yeah. It'll be fine, I left him laying in the grass... maybe he'll use the time it takes someone to find him to think."

"What did you do?"

"I didn't hurt him, if that's what you're worried about."

"I'm not worried about Potter, I'm worried you'll be expelled."

"Technically we aren't classmates anymore, at least until next year."

"Did you hit him?"


"So you used magic."

"He's fine!"

"You are a handful."

"It'll wear off soon."

He looked at me with a sad look in his eyes.

"Are you going to be alright?"

"Yes. I just wish he was honest before, I hate to think he was faking the whole time he was being nice."

He could tell I was sad, but he also knew the best way to deal with me being sad was to let me get over it on my own. We looked into each other's eyes when his lit up, as if he were remembering something.

"I almost forgot! I'll be back."

He ran up to his dorm room and came back a few minutes later with a hand behind his back. He used his free hand to help me stand up and turn me around. He pulled back my hair and I held it up while he put a necklace around my neck. I couldn't see it at first because he told me to close my eyes.

"Alright, open."

My eyes fell to my chest and I saw a gorgeous charm dangling from a thin silver chain. Normally, I don't like jewellery, but this was something I would wear. It wasn't awfully flashy and would pair nicely with anything, casual or fancy. The charm was a dainty silver snake embellished with tiny emeralds the entire length of it.

"Draco... I love it."

"Are you sure? I know you don't wear jewellery very often, but I thought this would look nice on you."

"It's beautiful. Minimalistic jewellery is the key to my heart. Oh, and old books, for future reference."


We both laughed and fell back on the sofa. I tried not to think about Harry anymore tonight, it wasn't worth getting upset over right now. There wasn't much I could do until Harry came to his senses... and that usually took some time. I wonder if Hermione knew Harry was mad and didn't tell me.

It'll have to wait until tomorrow, this moment was worth living in.

Caught in the Common Room [COMPLETED STORY]Where stories live. Discover now