Chapter 26 "Don't ever leave me again"

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Anna's P.O.V.

The "witch" was threatening me. I really felt I couldn't escape from her...

"You can't come to my house and threaten me like this" I pushed her so she lost grip of my neck. "Get out of my house now!"

She was surprised I did that.

"I've already warned you..." She mumbled as she stepped backwards without taking her scary eyes off mine.


She sighed, and walked out of the kitchen as she kept looking at me.

I followed her to the living room where everyone watched her treat John like a puppet.

"John, we're leaving" She demanded as she grabbed his arm in front of everyone.

"Huh? why?" John asked; he should have known that it was obvious that she wouldn't want him here after she saw us kissing.

"Let's go!" She grabbed him harder, and got him out of the house. John just gave me a sad look before Yoko dragged him out of the house.

"What...was that?" Abby asked.

"I suppose they had a fight" I sighed. I knew I had to tell Abby soon anyway, but I was too afraid to talk about it.

"Can we...continue with dinner now?" George asked awkwardly.

Just what I needed: some distraction to avoid more questions.

After that, we had dinner as normal as possible, but it was sad that my children were constantly asking where John was.

After we ate dinner, the clock hit midnight; it was officially Christmas, and John was not around...

"Can we open the presents now, mum?" Asked Michael; he was still a little upset that his daddy left.

"Sure, baby" I said as I put all of his presents on the floor near the chimney.

"I'm going to take some pictures while he and the kids open the presents" Said Astrid before she grabbed her camera, and started snapping some photos while all the kids began opening their presents; they were too excited, and I was so happy to see them enjoy Christmas, but somehow I was still feeling overwhelmed.

"You okay?" Astrid noticed I was very quiet.

"Yeah... it's just John" I sighed.

"I kind of saw this coming, y'know?"


"Yes. I mean, John, the ex-wife, and current wife in the same house? Not a good idea" She shrugged.

"Ohh. I guess you're right"

"Hey, little donut. Have you been gaining weight? Paul asked me as he approached me while he was eating a cookie.

"Paul! That's not an appropriate question!" Abby scolded him.

"I have, yes" I did a slightly-sad smile.

"Everything okay, darling?" My dad asked me.

"No... I..." I began.

"Anna, are you going to...?" Abby looked at me.

"It's okay" I nodded. "Well... family and friends, I'm sort of... expecting another child" I sighed.

"Sort of?" Dad asked.

"Well, I am"

"Oh god...John's baby..." Rachel mumbled.

"Yes..." I looked down.

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