-chapter three

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we're moving. to Australia.
I don't know how to feel. all I can think is that she doesn't want to get rid of me. but why Australia?
"we're leaving in.. three days."
three days. three days. three days.
the words keep repeating themselves in my head.
three days until I get a fresh start of my life.
three days until I don't have to face maeve and the rest of them every day.
three days until my new, better life begins.

three days later: Sydney, Australia
"autie, autie wake up! we're here! we're here!"
I can hear jake calling as i fade out of my slumber, then feel him shaking my shoulder and jump awake. i looked out of my window on the plane and sure enough, were close to the ground. I can't believe it. we're in australia.
I start to collect my bags when I bump into a tall, curly haired boy with beautiful hazel eyes. i didn't notice i knocked his and my bags over until my mom calls me over, pulling me out of my trance.
"oh my god, im so sorry. here let me get those for you-"
"no. I got it." the boy, who im assuming is an Aussie based on the accent, says with a smile. a beautiful smile. he hands me my bags and takes his.
I smile at him, his smile is contagious.
"thank you."
"no problem, bye!"
"oh wait, I never got your name."
"my names autumn, you?"
"ashton," he said as he walked out of the plane, leaving me with the urge not to follow him.

when I got to my new house, jake and i raced up the stairs right away, picking rooms. of course, being 5'6" with long ass legs, i beat jack to the bigger room, doing a bit of a victory dance.
I haven't been able to get him out of my head since this morning. his eyes. his smile. his hair. him.
of course I didn't ask for his phone number, im an idiot. wait- he lives in Australia. I wonder if he lives near me? I'll just have to walk around town and see then.

OMG TYTYTY ALL FOR 100 READS!! love you all and im sorry that these chapters are short, they'll get longer as the book goes on!

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