-chapter five

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as I walk to my next class, I scroll through my phone that now has three contacts in it;
ashton :)
"excsuse me miss, no phones in school. don't you know that by now?" I look up to see what im guessing was the maths teacher, considering im right in front of my maths class. she was looking at me disapprovingly, her long, dark brown hair with bits of grey tied into a top-knot bun, her old fashioned glasses placed on the middle of her nose.
"oh, im sorry. I just moved here from Michigan about three days ago." I tried to play the guilt trip, pretending that I didn't have any friends, even though I technically don't. my mom wouldn't enjoy having to pick me up late because of detention on the first day of my new school.
"ok, well then I'll let you off with a warning, however if I see it again you'll have detention for two days." it's like she was staring me down, and i hope that she's not my math teacher for this year or else im going to be on her bad side already.
I take a look at my schedule and sure enough, room 204, the room that my new math teacher - Mrs. Rosenbaum. (A/N if you know who this is im sorry lmakdmsj)
I'm caught off guard by the loud ass bell. thanks for killing my ears I think as i roll my eyes. when I look back at my schedule and walk into the classroom, i bump into someone, knocking their books down.
"sorry," I say, looking up at the person who I'd just ran into. she had brown hair and brown eyes, hidden by her big, black glasses.
"it's ok, I'm Zoe. ive never seen you here before." she gives me a questioning look and i go to pick up her books.
"that's because I just moved here from Michigan, United States. it's my first day here, actually." i say with a smile that's half real, half forced.
"woah, that's so cool. if you don't mind me asking, why'd you move?"
we start to walk to our seats together and I take the seat next to her.
"my moms work moved here, it was pretty random I guess. then, three days later, here we are."
the bell rings and we have to stop talking, i don't want to get in trouble with mrs. whats-her-face again. she seems like a bitch, how is she even married? I'm interrupted by her piercing voice, i can already tell that this class is going to be hell. and on top of that, I'm horrible maths.
"ok, everyone take out your homework, chapter 10.1 notes and review, and then we can start going over it. does anyone not have the homework?" when about 4 people raise their hands, I can see the look on mrs. rosenbaum's face start to fall, and she looks angry. here it comes.
"it is four months into the school year, the fact that some of you don't have your homework shows who cares about this class and who does not. everyone without homework will be im my classroom for detention, starting at 2:30."
woah. that was harsh. I already hate her. Zoe had her homework, but the girl she was just talking to didn't. if the teachers at this school expect me to be a perfect, straight A student they're wrong. I don't do schoolwork.
the rest of math and all my other classes went by quickly, my favorite class so far is social studies, or the only class that I'll try in this year. Zoe is in my social studies class, along with her new friend who Zoe introduced her to. her name is Keighley, and shes a petite blonde that seems a lot more "punk rock" than she actually is. she wears black skinnies and band t-shirts but when you actually talk to her she doesn't shut up about her little sister Brooklyn. Today was a great day for Autumn, she has two new friends that seem like they actually like her.
"so, where do you wanna go." Keighley said, making her way down to my locker with her bleach blonde ponytail flying all over the place.
"I didn't know we were going anywhere, but I heard theres an ice cream place down the street." just then, Zoe walked over.
"She's lactose intolerant." she said about Keighley.
"wow, so punk rock." i said sarcastically when we walked out the door of the building.
"yes, very. just like the Barney theme song that I've memorized."
"yeah, right." so then Keighley, Zoe and I started walking to the ice cream place. when we got there, it was packed. the whole school's football team was there, including ashton. Zoe caught me staring and gave me a nudge.
"you like him, don't you."
"what? no. nope." I could feel my face start to turn red as I tried my hardest to deny it believably, but I could tell it wasn't working.
"yes you do! oh my god this is great! Keighley's really good friends with him too, she could set you up you know." she said with a smirk and looked over to me again, staring back at ashton.
"Autumn, autumn. earth to autumn. anyone home?" she shook my shoulder and I turned back to her so fast i could've gotten whiplash. "what? yeah I was listening."
"oh yeah? then what did I say?" she smirked at me. again. oh god I don't know what she said, and I think we both know that.
"uh, um-"
"Autumn I know you weren't listening, but look who's looking at you right now." when I looked back at ashton for what seemed like the thousandth time, he was looking back at me. he blushed and quickly turned back though.
"go talk to him, better yet, I'll have Keigh go ask him to sit with us." I tried to protest, but Zoe was already talking to keighley, and then she made her way to Ashton's table. when I see him getting up, a huge weight is lifted off of my shoulders.
"hey, autumn. so i see you're friends with Zoe and keigh now. that's great!" he smiles. I love his smile. and his hair. and his eyes. and his everything. I felt someone nudge my side, and saw Zoe give me the stop staring look.
"oh, yeah, um they're, um, really nice and stuff." I was nervously laughing and probably making a fool of myself, so Keighley saved me.
"well, im going to go order now, what does everyone want." thank the lord for Keighley.
"wait, I thought you were lactose intolerant?" she said that right? yeah.
"they sell slushie here, Autumn," im an idiot, of course they do.
"oh, right." I laugh, it was a fake laugh though. im pretty much happy, but I just embarrassed myself in front of ashton, again.
after all of the slushes and ice cream came, we sat in our booth, me next to ashton, and I think Keighley and Zoe did that on purpose. when I was handed my ice cream, almost like on cue, i dropped it on myself. wow autumn, great job.
"shit," i said, under my breath. I scrambled to get the napkins on the table and wiped it down mostly. it was still sticky, and I had just wasted 6.95 on an ice cream.
"here, uh, have some of mine, um, because yours spilled." ashton put his ice cream in the middle of the both of us and went up to get another spoon. when he got back, he was flustered and his face was a bit red.
"thanks, ash," I gave him a friendly side hug, but I feel like we both enjoyed it more than people who were just friends would. I wonder if this means something...

probably not.


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⏰ Last updated: Jan 24, 2015 ⏰

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