New roomate

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I woke up the next day. Their was a big dude in a suit with a cane.
"hello I'm the kingpin of this place, basically the boss." he said.
I sat up off the bed and asked "what is this place."
"This place is for special people like you." just as he said that dude who hade fire coming out of his finger tips came in. I quickly crawled over to the other side of the room.
The boss said "don't be scared this is Shawn he is just like you."
I replied "no he is not like me he is a freak."
Boss then said "no he is just like you. Kyra you have the special ability to use magic and this is a school to help control your powers. Shawn here a the magical power of fire."
I quickly replied "then what is my "magical power"
Boss said " we don't know that is why you are here. we were searching for people like you when we found you."
Shawn then said "jake can show her around the school."
Boss said alright to Shawn and turned to me and said "wait for a student here named jake he will show you around."
Boss and Shawn left the and two minutes later a guy came in and said "I'm jake and I'm here to show you around."
This jake guy had red iris and was very tall. He showed me the cafeteria, rooms, and the offices. we made it down to the dorms and gave me my schedule and showed me my room.
He very awkwardly said "see ya"
I opened the door to see one side of the room full of posters and the other empty. i guess my side is the empty one. Out of nowhere a girl came infront of me and said"are you my new roommate " twelve million times. I said yes and we started to talk.
"So who have you met?"my roommate Jamie asked
"I have meet Jake,Shawn,Taylor,You, and the Boss." I replied
"Well, Taylor is kind off the bad boy
Shawn is the nerd
And Jake is the popular guy
You already know the Boss really."
"Taylor is the bad boy I would have never guess, maybe that is why he was forced to do labor at the nurses center."i said.
"Also if you talk to jake don't talk to him or his younger brother jay about brothers. their brother died in a car crash when they were young."
"Ok I won't, but what us yours and everybody else magic."i asked
"Well, my magical power is water.
Taylor's is lava
Shawn's is fire
Jake's is earth
And Jay's is ice"
"I already knew Shawn's, but I didn't know the rest of them."
By the time we were done talking it was around 12:30 and we both went to sleep. I kept think what my power might be but I couldn't think of one.
I woke up and got ready when I remembered I had no clothes. I went to my closet to see clothes all in my size so weird. I got dressed and went to the office to get my schedule. I told the receptionist what I was doing their and some sort of doctor took me to room where the boss was. it looked like a doctors office.
Boss said "we are going to take some blood to figure out what your magical power is."
The doctor poked me with a needle. He took my blood and looked at it under the microscope. he then went to the boss and whispered in his ear something than left.
The boss said "your power is very special you are the only person In this school with the power of lightning."
Lightning I would not have guessed.
"Come with me and I will make your schedule." Boss said.
We went to his office and have me my schedule for tomorrow. I left and went back to my room and Jamie was still asleep. I looked at my schedule
1.power control
2.magical history
3.Lunch hall
That was my schedule. most of it was to be expected, but latin. it seemed weird guess that will come tomorrow.

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