First day of school

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I woke up me and Jamie got ready in the coed bathroom we took showers and put in make up when Taylor came out with a towel loosely around his waste and I could see his six-pack which is to die for. I kept starring at him through the mirror. I think he saw me looking and smirked and left to go to his dorm apparently Shawn and Taylor live across from us and jake and jay live next to us.
I asked Jamie "you don't get embarrass when you see them."
She replied "you get use to it after awhile."
I left the bathroom and went to my first period. power control. I went inside to only see a teacher and one guy who looks around 14 siting in the front. sit in the middle of the front row. The bell rung and it was just us. the teacher said
"I am Alpha I will be you teacher for power control. Jay can you join us in the middle."
He got up and could see his red eyes. that must be Jakes brother. jay sat down and looked at Alpha. Alpha just gave us a work sheet that told us when to use our power even thought I didn't know how to use it anyways. Alpha said we could both talk when we were done.
Me: hi I'm Kyra
Jay: So you are the on that jake was talking about
Me: so you are related to jake
Jay: did you see the eyes
Me:sorry I didn't want to assume
Jay: so what is your power
Me: lightning
Jay: that explains why you are in this class
Me:why wouldn't I be I this class
Jay: look out the window
Me: what is that huge building over their
Jay: that is the real school
Me: what?
Jay:for some reason they don't want us with the other magic students.
Me:that's weird
The bell rung signaling that to go to the next class
Me:what is your next class
Jay:same as yours probably
We kept walking to the room that had magical history. we both walk into the room only to see about ten desks and Shawn. Jay goes and sits down behind Shawn and I go and sit next to him.
"Shawn, I'm sorry I called you a freak" I said
"It is alright I did the same thing the first time I figure out I had powers."
Me and Shawn kept talking for about 3 minutes and Shawn is really funny then Jake, Jamie, and Taylor walked in as I was laughing a Shawn's joke. Jake and Taylor looked mad at Shawn, but I don't know why. just then the Teacher walked in.
"Hello, I am Bravo, I will be your magical history teacher for this semester."
"Today, we are going to talk about the formation of the imperial arms. In 1200 A.D. A person we call The Stranger went on mt.everest and used his magical powers to form the 7 most powerful weapons of magic. it also says that all the secrets to to these weapons are sealed in the book of wisdom.That will be all for today." the bell rung signaling for lunch. since it was only the six of us we all sat together. I sat next to Taylor and Jamie.
Jay: so how is it so far.
Me: good
Shawn:we haven't had a new person since Bryson
Jake: we don't talk about him at all
Me: why are we separated from the rest of the students
Taylor: we all have special Magic that no one else has that is why we have seperate everything.
We finish our lunch and get ready for weapons, but Jamie had magical tech instead of the rest of us that is weird.

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