They Can't Take What's Ours

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"Anne I heard a certain Sloane boy is planning on walking you home today" Ruby said excitedly.

"That's absurd," Anne scoffed "Why on earth would he want to do that?".

"Well I heard that he's being going around telling the boys he has plans to court you" Jane grinned. The rest of the girls responded to this news in a rather excitable manner. They all began whispering to one another and giggling at the prospect.

"The Sloane family are ridiculously wealthy," Anne interjected, "His family would have no use for a poor orphan". She prayed her reasonable thoughts would put the matter to rest.

"I heard that his family have allowed him to marry whatever girl he choses, regardless of her dowry. The Sloane family are wealthy enough to not need a rich daughter in law" Josie pointed out, with a small scowl across her face, irritated by the thought the Anne could be courted before her. The mention of marriage caused Anne to go very pale; throughout this conversation she shot nervous glances towards Gilbert. The boy was, as always, looking down at a medical textbook. To anyone else he would look deep in concentration, but Anne saw his jaw clench slightly and knew he was listening in. Anne sighed to herself, knowing that an unpleasant conversation was soon to be had.

"You'll say yes won't you Anne?!" Burst out Tillie, who'd always been a keen fan of gossip.

"Well why wouldn't she?," added Diana, slyly, "It's not as though Anne is courting anyone else. Unless you have something to share with us?" All the girls turned their eyes to Anne with questioning looks on their faces. Anne on the other hand, shot a glare towards Diana. How could her dearest friend set her up like that!. Diana was the only one aware of the changing relationship between her and Gilbert.

"Of course I am not courting anyone! You would all know if I am. If Charlie asks to walk me home I would agree, to be polite of course. However he and I haven't spoken much in the past so I could not agree to let him court me" Anne's diplomatic answer led to another round of excited giggles from the girls. Yet Anne barley registered them, the only thing that she could pay attention to was Gilbert, who had slammed his book down and was storming out of the school house. A wave of nausea passed through Anne, which Diana immediately picked up on.

"Anne you've gone terribly pale! Whatever is wrong?" Her friend panicked.

"A headache has suddenly come upon me. I just need some fresh air; I'll be back in a few minutes" Anne reassured the girls, before dashing out the door, not allowing any of the girls to protest or offer to accompany her. The boys were skimming rocks into the river, but Gilbert was not to be seen anywhere. She headed towards the back of the school, and felt her heart ache as she saw him. He was looking down at the ground, his eyebrows furrowed, pacing up and down. She stood and watched for a moment, breathing deeply and preparing what to say to him.

"Come to apologise?," he asked. His voice sounded bitter, but his face portrayed sadness. Anne stuttered but couldn't find the words to say. She walked up closely towards him, stood toe to toe and looked into his eyes. It wasn't often Anne was lost for words but for once she truly was. Gilbert raised his eyebrows in question, confused as to why Anne was silent. Anne hesitated before rising on her tiptoes, and gently pressing a kiss onto his lips.

"I can explain." She promised breathlessly, her lips still ghosting over his.


For over a year the relationship between Anne and Gilbert had been complicated to say the least. Anne would never say it out loud but it was partly due to her competitive nature. It was bad enough that Gilbert was popular and handsome (something else she never wanted to admit), so she found it infuriating that he was also smart. Anne recognised she'd never be popular, and no one would ever consider her to be pretty, but she was smart and that was something no one could take for her. It took a while for Anne to realise that Gilbert's intelligence didn't take anything away from hers. With this realisation, and the two of them growing older and more mature, they eventually reached the point of becoming true friends.

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